The DSDPlus FastLane release works with an SDRPlay 1A just fine. Here is my basic setup:
- Referencing the 'Notes.txt' file that comes with DSDPlus, acquire the 'USA.csv' file and put in the same directory as the DSDPlus.exe and FMPP.exe executables.
- Within the FMPP.cfg file, the following (leave the default comments at the end of each line in place that start with ';')
---- 1st line = Serial # of the SDRPlay
---- lines 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 9 default values
---- 8th line, Primary frequency list CSV path\filename = .\USA.csv
---- 10th line, Miles or kilometers = miles and bearing
---- 11th line, Search Distance = {What fits your needs, I have mine set to 99.9}
---- 12th line, Search Origin = {Do a Google Search for the town/city, state you live in. Use the LAT LONG values}
3. A single batch file named WhatEverYouWant.bat (keep .bat extension) with the following two (2) lines:
start DSDPlus -r1 -fa -e -T -E -Pwav -i20001 >>1R-log.txt
start FMPP -rc -i1 -b12.5 -o20001 -f853.7875
[The -f[VALUE] is the Primary Control Channel listed in the RadioReference database for the Portland Maine P25 system]
Launching the '.bat' file gets me up and running. There are other files, the 'DSDPlus.[Descriptor]' files, which can be edited to have information such as talkgroups be displayed when a channel is hit. For example, as DSDPlus is running, the DSDPlus.groups will populate with lines for the different talk groups seen. While the file says it can be edited what it is running, I find it best to only edit it when DSDPlus isnt running. In this file, the 3rd column shows the talkgroup # seen. Using the RadioReference database (or other sources) one can find out what the talkgroup is and type the text value at the end of the corresponding line between the double-quotes. When DSDPlus is next run, the talkgroup names will be displayed.
I suspect there is still more for me to learn and tweak, and more complicated systems to monitor will require more attention, but hopefully this will help others out in getting DSDPlus Fastlane release up and running to monitor a P25 system