DSDPlus DSDPlus 2.444 available


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
When 2.444 went live I tested it on 1R and was working fine. Today I wanted to do some tests with two dongle trunk tracking and it seems that VC side does not respond when there is channel activity on the CC side. Probably is something on my side with the settings but didn't manage to find it, so it would be great if someone point me in the right direction. Here is my setup:
- two rtl-sdr devices - confirmed working and ppm set correctly
- here is my bat file:
start DSDPlus -rv -i20006 -O NUL -fn -E -v4 -_3
start FMP24 -i2 -rv -o20006 -a1 -e0 -b4 -g28 -z0 -P41.7 -_1
timeout /t 1
start FMP24 -i1 -o20005 -a1 -e0 -b4 -g19.7 -z0 -P45 -_1
start DSDPlus -rc -i20005 -O NUL -fn -E -v4 -_3

Some screenshots of what I am seeing:

View attachment 151844 View attachment 151845 View attachment 151846 View attachment 151847

What I have tried so far:
- reordering startup sequence
- deleting dsdplus.bin file
- setting receiver roles manually from the menu
- playing with antennas and gain
- trying different sites from the same network
- trying different networks

So far nothing helped. I got good clean signal on both CC and VC channels. Gain is set as lowest as possible where clean signal is at it's maximum (on VC side it could be even lower but for various reasons there is no need for that). So please if someone saw something simple (or not that simple) that I am missing, please, show it to me :)

Here is a short IQ and WAV recordings from CC during minor activity: Ufile.io - 1700830228
I don't know what to suggest, but if you do get it running, I'd like to know if you have the same issues that I reported for the VC Console & Log output. As posted here..

I tried this new rev and had the same results as posted for 2.443. Apparently you and me are the only ones using CC/VC copies, everybody seems to use 1R.

You're possibly missing a new basefile that needs replaced in addition to the DSD.EXE
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Jul 7, 2011
I'd try and test this out but I don't have two dongles and haven't used two dongles with DSDplus in years.

Under CTRL --> Call Priorities , do you have everything set to "Normal Handling" in both DSDPlus instances?
Under Output , is "Synthesize All Digital Voice" selected in at least the second DSDPlus instance?
Under DECODER, do you have the proper protocols selected for decoding in both DSDPlus instances?

Just as a test, have you attempted to run the following files with their default config (instead of your custom batch file)?


All answers are yes. I tested with everything set to default but still no go.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
All answers are yes. I tested with everything set to default but still no go.
I don't have dongles, but I do have two Airspy minis set up. And using the latest version of DSDPlus and after ensuring that all basefiles are up to date, I thus far haven't had any trouble using dual-Airspys with one monitoring CC and one monitoring VC (FMPA-CC.bat, CC.bat, FMPA-VC.bat, VC.bat). I do realize that this is not an effective test since (a) I'm not monitoring an NXDN system and (b) I'm not using RTLs.

But the two versions of DSDPlus are clearly talking to each other in my case, which is important.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I don't know what to suggest, but if you do get it running, I'd like to know if you have the same issues that I reported for the VC Console & Log output. As posted here..

I tried this new rev and had the same results as posted for 2.443. Apparently you and me are the only ones using CC/VC copies, everybody seems to use 1R.

You're possibly missing a new basefile that needs replaced in addition to the DSD.EXE

I'm testing two airspys and two instances of DSDPlus on a P25 system (with very little encrypted traffic). Using the latest DSDPlus and basefiles.

1. the CC _and_ VC console logging is always screwed up with Verbosity Level 0
2. the CC _and_ VC console logging has perfect formatting with Verbosity level of 1 - 4

I may have to give it a few seconds for CC/VC console log to mess up after switching to Verbosity = 0, but it is consistently repeatable.

So I can at least verify that I experience that.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010

I'm testing two airspys and two instances of DSDPlus on a P25 system (with very little encrypted traffic). Using the latest DSDPlus and basefiles.

1. the CC _and_ VC console logging is always screwed up with Verbosity Level 0
2. the CC _and_ VC console logging has perfect formatting with Verbosity level of 1 - 4

I may have to give it a few seconds for CC/VC console log to mess up after switching to Verbosity = 0, but it is consistently repeatable.

So I can at least verify that I experience that.

I have 0 set for both, only the VC side is messing up. The CC side is fine (except that it continues outputting like it's set to 1). I will try messing with settings when I get a chance, So it may be the verbosity settings that are the source of this bug. And a setting of 0 shouldn't be outputting anything after start-up. I'm getting garbage even when the VC is idle. There shouldn't be anything spitting out when set to 0 active or idle. IDK, but thanks for trying, at least I know I'm not crazy.. 😆 I'll try some other systems and types when I can. To see if it's just Starnet P25 or not.
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I have 0 set for both, only the VC side is messing up. The CC side is fine (except that it continues outputting like it's set to 1). I will try messing with settings when I get a chance, So it may be the verbosity settings that are the source of this bug. And a setting of 0 shouldn't be outputting anything after start-up. I'm getting garbage even when the VC is idle. There shouldn't be anything spitting out when set to 0 active or idle. IDK, but thanks for trying, at least I know I'm not crazy.. 😆 I'll try some other systems and types when I can. To see if it's just Starnet P25 or not.

I didn't test the console log bug on any system other than MARCS P25. Definitely, when I set verbosity level to 0, whether in a single dongle instance or dual dongle instance, the console logs get trashed. Attached are screenshots of MARCS (no Phase II traffic) with Verbosity = 0 on the CC and VC instances. I set verbosity to 0 on the VC instance during the end of the last call. Which is why some of it isn't messed up but the last portion is in the VC console log.


  • marcsp25_vc_console_log_verbosity_0.png
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  • marcsp25_cc_console_log_verbosity_0.png
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I didn't test the console log bug on any system other than MARCS P25. Definitely, when I set verbosity level to 0, whether in a single dongle instance or dual dongle instance, the console logs get trashed. Attached are screenshots of MARCS (no Phase II traffic) with Verbosity = 0 on the CC and VC instances. I set verbosity to 0 on the VC instance during the end of the last call. Which is why some of it isn't messed up but the last portion is in the VC console log.

So far, what I am calling "console log breakout" seems to:
a. only occurs if Verbosity Level = 0
b. system being monitored is a P25 system
c. happens in both CC and VC console logs in a dual-dongle setup and in the CC console log in a single dongle setup
d. VC console log messes at the end of FDMA or TDMA voice calls on the monitored P25 systems
e. during voice calls it seems ok

I have a very limited number of systems to test. WVSIRN and Ohio MARCS are Motorola P25, the former with a lot of TDMA activity and the latter with no TDMA activity. I can monitor a MotoTRBO Con+ system and the CC console is totally vacant with Verbosity = 0. No traffic on the system today, so I can't say whether the VC console log at verbosity = 0 messes up during a DMR call or not.

PS: reported to the author
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
@u2brent In the other thread when you discussed the AlgID/KID logging being broken, were those screenshots taken with the latest version or the old / "unbroken" version? I'm guessing they were taken with one of the latest versions yes? Can you provide a screenshot of what you would expect to be displayed in the CC/VC Event Log and the CC/VC Seen Groups screen. Basically, I'd be interested to see what shows up in what you consider the non-broken version, in both Event Logs and both Seen Groups screens.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Single dongle on P25 with verb set to zero on NooElec dongle. Also, clicking on window to focus and bring to front does not work when on zero if verb setting window is open..



OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Single dongle on P25 with verb set to zero on NooElec dongle. Also, clicking on window to focus and bring to front does not work when on zero if verb setting window is open..

View attachment 151865

I did notice that about not being able to focus where you might be wanting to focus if the VERB window is open. I have no idea if it was always like that, but I can confirm it is like that now. Maybe a minor annoyance to me, but at least I know/realize that if I'm having that issue it's probably because I recently changed VERB and didn't close the window afterwards. And to be honest, in day to day use I would never change the verbosity level -- I have always set it to max and always will (except in cases like this where I'm testing).

PS: reported to the author
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Single dongle on P25 with verb set to zero on NooElec dongle. Also, clicking on window to focus and bring to front does not work when on zero if verb setting window is open..

View attachment 151865

I believe final word on the Verbosity Window (and any other window in the menu system where you might be able to open an additional dialog) is that those types of windows are not "meant" to be left open and navigated away from. We will simply need to remember to close the Verbosity window when we are done modifying the level. No problem for me -- like I said, I _never_ change it and am always running at full verbosity except during this particular testing event.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I don't know what to suggest, but if you do get it running, I'd like to know if you have the same issues that I reported for the VC Console & Log output. As posted here..

@u2brent I get that you want AlgID/KID info displayed in both the Groups Seen window and the Event log. I have a feeling you won't see that again unless you stick with .395.

The latest (using 2-dongle setup) still displays it in the Event Log window of the VC instance for me though.

One screenshot is the single-dongle setup with latest DSDPlus, the other is a dual-dongle setup with the latest DSDPlus.


  • alg-kid-marcs-single-dongle.png
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
@u2brent In the other thread when you discussed the AlgID/KID logging being broken, were those screenshots taken with the latest version or the old / "unbroken" version? I'm guessing they were taken with one of the latest versions yes? Can you provide a screenshot of what you would expect to be displayed in the CC/VC Event Log and the CC/VC Seen Groups screen. Basically, I'd be interested to see what shows up in what you consider the non-broken version, in both Event Logs and both Seen Groups screens.
All those pics were while using 2.443 except the last VC Group shot which was 2.368 which is what I keep going back to (and displays as I'd expect it too). [all the new files are in use except the dsd.exe when I roll back and all is good]
@u2brent I get that you want AlgID/KID info displayed in both the Groups Seen window and the Event log. I have a feeling you won't see that again unless you stick with .395.

The latest (using 2-dongle setup) still displays it in the Event Log window of the VC instance for me though.

One screenshot is the single-dongle setup with latest DSDPlus, the other is a dual-dongle setup with the latest DSDPlus.
I only expected to see it in the VC Group window, I understand the CC doesn't handle that aspect and never did show that unless using 1R (because it's following voice as well).
The VC Event window shows all the correct AlgID/KID it just isn't getting to the VC Groups display.
My brain has been foggy all week, I think I have COVID, feeling better and thinking more clearly today. o_O
What do want to see? I'll try to accommodate.

This is 2.368
You can see the KID/Alg, but only on the VC Groups, That is what I'd expect from any newer rev as well.

I'll run 2.444 now and post back in a bit. I'll give it some time with traffic.
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
One thing I've noticed is that the garbage in the VC Console window is not being saved to the Event log. Just the normal stuff is being saved. And although The CC Console continues showing what I perceive as a 1 Verbosity setting, is also not being saved to the CC Event log. I can live with that, But it was throwing me. The setting clearly is labeled Console Log Verbosity Level, but that seems incorrect or not functioning as designed. LOL. And you can't access anything until you close that setting window. (I believe this is what others have been observing as well.)

OK, So 2.444 has been running long enough that it should have captured Alg/KID info to the VC Groups window, yet I don't see it. (It's usually the fastest way to see if an active TGID is running ENC or not.) The Event window is clearly showing it though. Just compare with the shot in my previous post.

I resized the VC Event, I didnt notice it was cut off..


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
I don't see the need for these near gig sized logs that are being created by this issue.. If I wanted to see it, I'd turn up the Verbosity myself. :unsure:
My PC is choking just trying to open it..
DSD Control Channel Dongle 1 Verbose 0
DSD Voice Channel Dongle 2 Verbose 0


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Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
@u2brent I get that you want AlgID/KID info displayed in both the Groups Seen window and the Event log. I have a feeling you won't see that again unless you stick with .395.
2.395 is also broke, It's why I keep going back.. Same issues with the Alg/Kid displayed with the group.

I'll try 3.90 next...:confused:


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
Here's 3.90
The same issue no Alg/Kid displayed with the VC Group. I guess it's why I keep going back to 2.368.

