DV-1 tuning knob?

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Jul 17, 2010
Cheshire, England
This may sound like the question of an obsessive, but here goes anyway.
I've owned both the 5000 and the 5001, and the tuning knob on both was poor. There seemed to be quite a lot of 'play' in the spindle bearing, especially on the 5001. That and the bargain basement plastic tuning knob on the 5001 rather spoiled these nice radios.
What does the tuning knob on the DV-1 feel like? I know it has a soft-detent action, but does it feel nice to operate? Now that the DV-1 is maturing into a useful and (relatively) bug-free receiver, it is beginning to appeal to me.
Many thanks.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
This may sound like the question of an obsessive, but here goes anyway.
I've owned both the 5000 and the 5001, and the tuning knob on both was poor. There seemed to be quite a lot of 'play' in the spindle bearing, especially on the 5001. That and the bargain basement plastic tuning knob on the 5001 rather spoiled these nice radios.
What does the tuning knob on the DV-1 feel like? I know it has a soft-detent action, but does it feel nice to operate? Now that the DV-1 is maturing into a useful and (relatively) bug-free receiver, it is beginning to appeal to me.
Many thanks.

Yes, it has a soft detent. I dislike it as though it has a finder insert, the know is really too small to easily tune by spinning the knob. I nice large non-detent would have been much better. I use the keypad to tune; for me, on that radio, the knob is an inconvenience that I accidently bump detuning the radio. I also have an R5000. Though too small a know also, at least one can "spin" the knob with one's finger on the rubber outside of the knob. The DV-1 outside of the knob is rubberized plastic and one's fingers slip. Summary: If you do not like the know on the R5000/1, you will hate the know on the DV-1.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
I left out a crucial "not"

Yes, it has a soft detent. I dislike it as though it has a finder insert, the know is really too small to easily tune by spinning the knob. I nice large non-detent would have been much better. I use the keypad to tune; for me, on that radio, the knob is an inconvenience that I accidently bump detuning the radio. I also have an R5000. Though too small a knob also, at least one can "spin" the knob with one's finger on the rubber outside of the knob. The DV-1 outside of the knob is hard plastic and NOT rubberized and one's fingers slip. Summary: If you do not like the know on the R5000/1, you will hate the know on the DV-1.


Jun 2, 2003
Jupiter, Florida
:) As stated in previous posts, it has a soft detent but it has a nice feel to it. I really enjoy using the radio and the updates make it even better while adding more capabilities! It's expensive at first but it's a really nice receiver! ;)


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Usb tuning knob

Another approach is the PowerMate tuning wheel. If the AR-DV1 is operated under software control (I know eSPYonARD works with it), this 4.2cm diam, free wheeling, standalone aluminium knob is worth looking at. I have one sitting on my desk next to the mouse and would not be without it.
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