Facebook is blocking Radioreference links


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Did you even look at my screen that literally shows what facebook/meta has a problem with???? Here it si ...please try fixing that and , run the debugger agian and see if it clears.

I am doing all I can to help get this resolved, but RR seems to be ingoring the possible fix?

How would Lindsay fix something that's working? If fakebook is having an issue processing a png image, seems like fakebook needs to fix it on their end.



Founder and CEO
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Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Did you even look at my screen that literally shows what facebook/meta has a problem with???? Here it si ...please try fixing that and , run the debugger agian and see if it clears. I am doing all I can to help get this resolved, but RR seems to be ingoring the possible fix? View attachment 175717

I know you are trying to be helpful but this literally isn't helping. Just because you googled something and followed some blog post and you think you've stumbled across some massive issue that is going to solve some perceived problem with Facebook and RadioReference doesn't make it so.

I've asked you once before and I'll ask you again. Please stop.


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
How would Lindsay fix something that's working? If fakebook is having an issue processing a png image, seems like fakebook needs to fix it on their end.
What's probably happening here is that the image referenced in the open graph meta tag entry isn't in a recommended size by Facebook, but they process it just fine because if you see in the previews for facebook links the image shows up just fine.

This is like the most minor of minor minor minor small potatoes things that has absolutely no relevance to some forums links being tagged as possible spam by the facebook black box algorithm.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
I belong to several scanner groups on facebook. We can no longer link to anything on radioreference.com with out it being flagged as spam and the comment removed. A quick search shows how YOU, the owners of the domain can fix it

How to Unblock a Blocked URL on Facebook

We thank you for help with this issue.
Facebook has to do that on their end but hey, you are in good company.
I wold not FB at all if not for having some family and personal friends on FB.
Also, FB will block ANY hotlink. Most edit the link such: hxxps://....... and let people copy the link, then edit on their end.
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Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Also, FB will block ANY hotlink. Most edit the link such: hxxps://....... and let people copy the link, then edit on their end.
I don't exactly agree to this as I created a group on FB for my local county and I have posted a link for my live feed and have not had any issues (even back when it was still part of RR), have posted for DB as well. Just today, in another group someone was looking for system information on a system in the county beside mine. I went on my phone, looked up the county and posted the link in the comments. Bang... instantly got the notification that my comment was removed. By editing the link as you have suggested, defeats the purpose of posting the direct link to the content. If I'm on a phone, it makes it harder to copy the text, then paste it, then editing it to get to the page that should just be an easy link to click or tap on to get to the information.

I like to help others if I can in groups I'm in and this just makes me not want to post anything as for every one I try to post, I get hit with the penalty on FB, not RR. There are people asking for this information and when people like myself try to help them get to the information, as they probably don't know this site exists (idk how), we are getting the penalty of supposedly sending 'spam' links. I just think it would be nice if someone could just get this resolved as it benefits this site by sending more people that got a new scanner to this site for help from those of us who are already here.


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
As I cannot edit my prior post, I want to add that I just tried something and the link stayed up on a page I manage. I just removed the 's' from the https. I did not get flagged for spam or anything. So with that said, I think the main culprit could be the group itself that the link is posted in. If there is 100's of posts in there that is linking to RR, I can see where it would flag all links from the main domain so you will probably have to get creative to keep something of a link to help those who have asked. I think it still would be beneficial to reach out to FB on it as it isn't like we are trying to spam this site on FB. We are legitimately trying to help others on another platform but are being shot down in the process.

EDIT: Well I take that back. After leaving the forums, I went back to browse FB and bingo, the popup of the post being removed that it went against their spam policy. Even on my own page! Well guess it is back to drawing board on trying to link something from here.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Apparently you do not understand....

Facebook algorithm has blacklisted Radioreference.com links. So no traffic will be directly driven to RR via facebook

The owners of radioreference.com need to take action in order to get facebook to whitelist radioreference.com. See the link in post #1

Norton, labeling it as dangerous having malicious software in a script the HTML, blocked the Forums page today for several hours. This had nothing to do with Facebook as I went directly to the page. I went to a different RR page and sent email to support. Several hours after that the problem went away.