Heard this a few years ago on the scanner and grabbed a recording of it. Man got a ring stuck on his male organ, in his car, in a church parking lot.
Many years ago, I heard a fire department dispatch a medic unit for a report of a sick cow.
This was back in the days when the call takers wrote the info on a card and put it into a slot to send to the dispatcher. Once the dispatcher realized what he said, he asked the medic unit to standby. Sounds like udder nonsense!I bet they milked that for all it was worth.
neat. How would they send it? Did they have those bank drive thru style vacuumy tubes?This was back in the days when the call takers wrote the info on a card and put it into a slot to send to the dispatcher. Once the dispatcher realized what he said, he asked the medic unit to standby. Sounds like udder nonsense!
I so saw in my mind the "Okay, USA!" scene from a certain old JCVD film LOL!So...I didn't here this on the air...I observed it, with my own eyes and ears.
Some time in the mid 1990s my VFD was dispatched to a CO detector activation with minor illness.
The gas company was enroute as well.
Shortly after, out first out engine arrived and started taking reading as I waited for manpower on the apron with the rescue truck.
My Truck Lt. at the time jumped in the passenger seat as other firefighters got into the cabin and we radioed in that we were responding.
Just before getting on scene, my Lt grabbed the mic....on a repeated. county-wide command channel and asked the Chief for orders.
The Chief asked for our manpower to bring an addition fan to the rear of the structure to assist in ventilation....and this Lt replied with...on a repeated. county-wide command channel...
" Okie Dokie Chiefie Wiefie"
I was asked to see to it that he didn't use the radio for a while.