I am in far NW OKC and listen to both the Provoice and P25 OKC systems on a 436, 536, SDS100, SDS200, and a 996P2. The new and old system audio is all over the place in quality. The audio is still overloaded a lot of the time (usually the dispatcher), and the fire alerts are some of the weirdest sounds I've ever heard. I think a lot of the audio issues for OKC are the consoles and poor microphone usage on both ends (the mobile units can sound like they are talking into a pillow). I can pick up the Guthrie site of OKWIN and the P25 sounds vastly better than their OKC site, which suffers from horrible multipath distortion in my area, and the Guthrie site has all of the Logan County stuff, OHP comms, and statewide stuff, just not Edmond. I have not found any settings on any scanner that will improve the OKC audio.