I work at Texas Instruments (used to be IMFT and Micron before that). And I now work with a woman who was a dispatcher for the Unified police (Salt Lake county area) for quite a while. What she told me made me sick. She said that most departments are licking their chops in anticipating of much more encryption with the new digital system that's coming. Her husband is also a police officer. The reason is really not much to do with the people who listen in on smart phone aps. But they have a problem with folks with scanners that not only listen in but are literally showing up at places to "get in on the action". Like hypothetically, if there was a dispatch for some type of altercation at say, a Walmart somewhere, these dispatch chasers with scanners might go to the scene! Police insanely frown on such activity. No normal scanner enthusiast would do that but there are people that do this type of thing. If what she said is true, get ready for a lot more radio silence and less exciting scanner action. The new digital system will allow them to encrypt at will. I'm just telling you what she said and if anyone disagrees or thinks I'm lying, too bad. It's just what someone told me but she should know something as she only quit dispatching about a year and a half ago. Ready for all the negative replies now from naysayers. But don't blame me, just repeating what I heard.