That's interesting. That's 700/800 P25 I, similar to my area, though mine is within the 850MHz realm only. My best signal levels (according to the sds200's rssi display) seems to be "wide auto".
You got my "thinking juices" going here. Just something to discuss and think about. I'm very much a "free over the air digital TV" viewer. Bear with me here, there is a method behind my madness. Now I have an antenna in my attic, and according to my TV "RSSI" display, I generally get four or more bars on the TV signal meter (Pretty useless since I have no idea what a bar of signal is on the TV). Generally, the TV picture is clean, and perfect UNTIL, there is any kind of windy weather. Doesn't have to be a strong wind, but even though I have a relatively strong signal, I get a fair amount of digital distortion due to what I assume is phasing type interference due to movements in foliage when the wind blows. The "RSSI" display stays fairly strong, but the picture pixelates sometimes to a point of not being worth watching. I assume the same kind of distortion happens with the digital radio signals we monitor. So, I assume we will see higher d-error numbers for the same reason, and since I'm using an ultra wide discone, that those issues will be exacerbated. I do notice, however, the stronger the signal (generally speaking), the less digital distortion or errors I experience. So, point being, sometimes its difficult to put my finger on what should be the priority, for both variables seem important.I would personally look for the best signal quality as opposed to RSSI. Low "Noise" and "D-Error".
I would personally look for the best signal quality as opposed to RSSI. Low "Noise" and "D-Error".
RSSI levels can be very misleading and the d-error and noise are a better indicator as those show the actual signal quality. Sat receivers always show signal strength and the quality of signal to noise in dB and you should always use the quality indicator when adjusting a sat dish.I've even added D-Error and Noise level on my display alongside the RSSI graph and RSSI -dBm fields, in order to help me fine tune the filters in the future.
Thanks, Ubbe. Some very interesting data in the referenced link you provided--nice work.RSSI levels can be very misleading and the d-error and noise are a better indicator as those show the actual signal quality. Sat receivers always show signal strength and the quality of signal to noise in dB and you should always use the quality indicator when adjusting a sat dish.
Others may have more definitive data, but within the 24 hours since digesting the info provided in this thread, my experience on WV state system (450-460MHz) has been:What is considered good when it comes to d-error and noise? I'm seeing d-errors between 3-5, with spikes to 9. Noise is in the thousands.
So how long has it been since a Union rep has helped with anything related to the SDS series scanners?Ubbe this is an opinion just like yours are as this is not an official Uniden Rep.
Looks like 9/2/2021: Post by @JoeBearcatSo how long has it been since a Union rep has helped with anything related to the SDS series scanners?
You asked about anything.Sighhh....
These "upgrades" and "updates", Firmware improvements, etc. that we used to get.
DMR systems seem to get a pretty bad reception when digital errors goes above 5. Maybe it's different with P25. Noise values are mostly for evaluating analog systems as any kind of modulation like a datasignal will skyrocket the values. When there's just a silent carrier the Noise value will be the most true one and 500 are probably the highest you would want but will increase whenever anyone talks. But if read during a datasignal it can still be a good signal when Noise are up to several thousands as the high intensity data modulation will ruin the Noise detection.What is considered good when it comes to d-error and noise?
Hey buddy, our paths don't cross that much anymore, I just got home now and I'm looking over radio reference. We've had quite an ordeal here in Bucks County PA, by far the worst storm we ever had in recorded history, including the hurricanes. But we had several devastating tornadoes.True but what is strange is the person across town may be different.
same hereI tried every filter setting for Ohio MARCS....What works best for me is FILTER OFF
Glad you are back online and safe the floods in Middle Tn were about 100 mile east of me. True and that is why Paul (UPMan) would only say they work different for each location.
Thanks Buddy, one of the tornadoes just missed me and we had that warning on our phones and TV as the sirens were going off to seek immediate shelter in order to save your life. It'll be quite a while before we recover from this one.same here
They are being worked on from what has been posted