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GMRS repeater linking and the FCC

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 11, 2003
I imagine when the enforcement bureau starts getting complaints, they'll pick the biggest fish with the loudest mouths (like those challenging the FCC to "do something") and they'll do just that: ram it in hard and make the violator pay a bunch of money, post the NAL as a public notice, and keep it moving.
Hopefully it's a big one in the Midwest that gets spanked. They are the ones running their mouths all over social media about not complying


Patch & Channels Clear...
Dec 19, 2002
The Internet
I imagine when the enforcement bureau starts getting complaints, they'll pick the biggest fish with the loudest mouths (like those challenging the FCC to "do something") and they'll do just that: ram it in hard and make the violator pay a bunch of money, post the NAL as a public notice, and keep it moving.
Yeah you tell 'em crip...


Premium Subscriber
May 7, 2018
Graham, NC
Back in June a new repeater came online in my area, and it's linked to this network:
I've heard very little bona fide local activity on it. It'll be interesting to see how long the linking stays up in light of this new development.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Short range communications. 1 repeater. 1 conversation. Whatever that site covers is what it covers. You want more, get your ham license.
Which has ALWAYS been the intended purpose and reason why GMRS was created. Short range LOCAL communications on UHF FM. All was great until the prepper play army whackers and sad hams showed up and wants to slam a square peg into a round hole.

I really do encourage the FCC to smack down the biggest offenders so the other miscreant spoiled children will STFU and go back to either being sad hams on the ham bands or buying more hoards of ChinaComm PTToC radios.


Nov 23, 2006
Some GMRS repeater owners are complying. A system in Texas shut off all their links between repeaters citing the FCC clarification at 12 AM this past Monday morning. At least one owner of several repeaters in Arkansas has said he was shutting off his links, don't know if that has actually occurred yet or not.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 5, 2022
If it was used for its intended purpose..and that is not ham radio..
nor is it a hobby medium...we would not be having this conversation
Never understood this, but our world is filled with....well...anyway


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2018
If it was used for its intended purpose..and that is not ham radio..
nor is it a hobby medium...we would not be having this conversation
Never understood this, but our world is filled with....well...anyway
I get your point.... But as far as things being used only for their intended purpose....

If we did that we wouldn't have people making antennas out of re-purposed computer cables (like with RS-232 connectors), as well as lots of other ideas (PVC pipe used as antenna supports rather than just to transfer water etc..).

I get your gist, but we need more experimentation in this world (within limits of course).



Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
If it was used for its intended purpose..and that is not ham radio..
nor is it a hobby medium...we would not be having this conversation
Never understood this, but our world is filled with....well...anyway
I alluded to that several days ago. I can pay to get access to the North Georgia network but I was reluctant to get involved because it seemed to deviate from the purpose of GMRS and I didn't want to spend $130 a year for my daughter and myself (the only real family members in 600 miles).

I am licensed and have four GMRS portables that were originally purchased for use at a recent week-long family reunion in Arkansas. They worked great but I haven't turned one on since that time because I didn't want to pay big bucks just to say "hello" to someone I probably don't even know. If I have that urge, I can use my ham radio.


Apr 13, 2004
Don't get me wrong, I do realize that the FCC did not intend for the General Mobile Radio Service to be used for long distance communications like the Amateur Radio Service. However, I do think that having the ability to link up repeaters via VoIP or other means would be beneficial. And if the FCC gives its blessing for Digital Voice, DMR or IDAS/NXDN would great.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2021
I alluded to that several days ago. I can pay to get access to the North Georgia network but I was reluctant to get involved because it seemed to deviate from the purpose of GMRS and I didn't want to spend $130 a year for my daughter and myself (the only real family members in 600 miles).

I am licensed and have four GMRS portables that were originally purchased for use at a recent week-long family reunion in Arkansas. They worked great but I haven't turned one on since that time because I didn't want to pay big bucks just to say "hello" to someone I probably don't even know. If I have that urge, I can use my ham radio.
Yeah this "we have an 8 channel linked system with paid access" screams of turning GMRS into an SMR. Top it off with "buy your radios here from our authorized vendor" just screams of flagarant violation of GMRS. I suspect they are in the same crowd of "the fcc will have to come knocking first!"

Be careful what you wish for, Homie.


Apr 13, 2004
The repeater linking is what the issue is and not the linked network with simplex nodes connected through the internet. The home nodes linked to the internet will still be around. It would be the linked repeaters would have to disconnect from the net.
Linked simplex nodes are still an unnecessary waste of the eight repeater/50W simplex channels. They can be just as harmful as a linked repeater, but more useless.


Apr 13, 2004
Curious what the response will be from the North Georgia GMRS group.
I saw elsewhere that they had self-inspected and determined they were in compliance with all FCC regulations. FWIW, this is third-hand info. My guess is that neither them, nor a lesser system based in Augusta, will cease until the FCC applies direct pressure of some sort.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
they had self-inspected and determined they were in compliance with all FCC regulations.

And I wouldn't argue with that statement.

The actual CFR for GMRS is vague and outdated. The additional wording on the webpage isn't binding. While the FCC could absolutely enforce this, it wouldn't take much of an attorney to keep this tied up for a while discussing what is actually published in the rules.

And I'm sure the FCC knows that. I really expect there to be an update to Part 95 coming in the near future. Updating the webpage wording was the easy first step. Getting Part 95 updated takes some work.


Apr 13, 2004
And I wouldn't argue with that statement.

The actual CFR for GMRS is vague and outdated. The additional wording on the webpage isn't binding. While the FCC could absolutely enforce this, it wouldn't take much of an attorney to keep this tied up for a while discussing what is actually published in the rules.

And I'm sure the FCC knows that. I really expect there to be an update to Part 95 coming in the near future. Updating the webpage wording was the easy first step. Getting Part 95 updated takes some work.
You are right! I just hope the FCC has the foresight to put something in there to the effect that "No linking of GMRS repeaters, by whatever means, shall be allowed." These linking weenies are already trying to figure out loop holes on other boards and forums, as we speak.


Apr 13, 2004
Unlike the confines of part 95, the limit of what a licensee can't do on part 97 are very limited. One is free to pretty much run whatever mode they wish, link anything to everything, and have fun so long as they operate in their band and ID. But instead, silence while 8 repeater pairs are tied up with prepper whackers, weather whackers, and sad hams talking about their piss bags being full tying up all 8 pairs in the state.
Don't forget the "peas, beans, corn, taters, maters, cucumbers, and squash" nets where the object is to prattle on for hours on how to plant (or cook) the aforementioned fruits and vegetables. 🙄


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
I just hope the FCC has the foresight to put something in there to the effect that "No linking of GMRS repeaters, by whatever means, shall be allowed." These linking weenies are already trying to figure out loop holes on other boards and forums, as we speak.

I have a feeling that, thanks to the internet forums, the FCC has figured out that the wording needs to be very carefully chosen.

Yet, someone will imagine some loophole. Usually ends with "There's nothing in the Constitution that grants the FCC any powers, so they have no authority" type B.S.

Like I said earlier, this is going to be fun to watch.
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