just posted this on Facebook:
Given this new information, it is in our best interest to begin shutting down the myGMRS Network, which allows repeater owners to link using VoIP technology over the Internet. We will shut down the myGMRS registration server in one week, on August 28th, 2024. The main myGMRS website will not be affected and will continue to serve the GMRS community as it has for nearly 20 years.
Connections between repeaters or audio are not carried through our servers; only the registration server is used to keep a listing of which nodes are online at any given time. Disabling the registration server will not break the connection to existing nodes; it will only prevent new connections from occurring. Repeater owners who continue using VoIP or other means to link repeaters together will do so at their own risk.
Along with the link to petition the FCC to allow linking on GMRS.