...went belly up, when, according to Robin, someone contacted GRE, and the reseller became "reluctant" to sell to us as a group. Even though the deal fell apart, Robin was in constant communication with me. As far as dealing with Lentini Communications, the purchase could not have gone easier. I have heard wonderful things before I saw the listings on ebay. Living on Long Island, I was fortunate enough to get my PSR-500 in 1 DAY! I'm still tweaking the settings, and my next purchase will be a notch filter. I am getting KILLED by local FM radio stations. It was bad with the PRO-96, it's worse now. The built in attenuator helps, but after reading reviews and comments on both here and eHam, I need a filter. Scanner Master is sold out, so I'll be giving PAR electronics a call. As far as setting up the V-folders, I do EVERYTHING through Win500, same as I did with Win96. I downloaded and saved the factory V-folders to the laptop, and imported my Win96 settings to Win500, set up scan lists, removed duplicates, saved those settings into new V-folders on the laptop, cleared the V-folders from the radio, then uploaded my new V-folders to the radio. I currently have 3 V-folders in the rig, with more to come. I haven't slept in 3 days...