A FCC license application this week shows that Hamilton Counnty/Carmel are addinging
a emission designator change to "15K0F2D". After considerable searches I cannot find
out what mode this is. Anybody know what this is? Thanks
Hope This Helps
16K0 Is the band width
F is the First Digit see list
3 is the Second Digit see list
E is the Third Digit see list
This is the required bandwidth of the transmitter.
The above example represents "16.0kHz bandwidth".
The decimal point is replaced with "H", "K", "M", or "G".
These define as:
H = Hertz
K = Kilohertz
M = Megahertz
G = Gigahertz
1st Digit
A = AM (Amplitude Modulation), double-sideband
B = AM, independent sidebands
C = AM, vestigial sideband
D = Amplitude and Angle Modulated carrier
F = Angle Modulated, frequency modulation
G = Angle Modulated, phase modulation
H = AM, single-sideband, full carrier
J = AM, single-sideband, suppressed carrier
K = Pulse, amplitude modulation (PAM, PSM)
L = Pulse, width modulation (PWM)
M = Pulse, phase or position modulation (PPM)
N = Emission of an unmodulated carrier
P = Pulse, no modulation
Q = Pulse, carrier also angle-modulated during pulse
R = AM, single-sideband, reduced or variable level carrier
W = Pulse, two or more modes used
X = All cases not covered above
2nd Digit
0 = No Modulation
1 = Digital, on-off or quantized, no modulation
2 = Digital, with modulation
3 = Single analog channel
7 = Two or more digital channels
8 = Two or more analog channels
9 = Composite, one or more digital channel, one or more analog
X = All cases not covered above
3rd Digit
A = Aural telegraphy, for people (Morse code)
B = Telegraphy for machine copy (RTTY, fast Morse)
C = Analog fax
D = Data, telemetry, telecommand
E = Telephony, voice, sound broadcasting
F = Video, television
N = No Information
W = Combinations of the above
X = All cases not covered above