Hamilton County

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Mar 10, 2004
Noblesville, IN
The best that I can tell, they were running off the new tower after midnight and it sounded pretty good, except for that beep after every transmission. Signal strength was higher and audio was more clear. Back to more static this morning though.



Active Member
Database Admin
Jan 30, 2001
Hamilton County Question...

So if the systems are in "bypass" mode, you need to program these in as two systems???

County - Bypass Mode 856.8125 LCN 01
County - Bypass Mode 857.8125 LCN 02
County - Bypass Mode 858.8125 LCN 03
County - Bypass Mode 859.8125 LCN 04
County - Bypass Mode 857.5125 LCN 05
County - Bypass Mode 852.1875 LCN 06
County - Bypass Mode 852.7750 LCN 07
County - Bypass Mode 853.0750 LCN 08
County - Bypass Mode 853.5500 LCN 09
County - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 10
County - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 11
County - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 12
County - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 13
County - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 14
County - Bypass Mode 853.6625 LCN 15

Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 01
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 02
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 03
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 04
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 05
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 06
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 07
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 08
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 09
Carmel - Bypass Mode 853.8000 LCN 10
Carmel - Bypass Mode 851.7625 LCN 11
Carmel - Bypass Mode 852.3500 LCN 12
Carmel - Bypass Mode 852.8000 LCN 13
Carmel - Bypass Mode 853.3250 LCN 14
Carmel - Bypass Mode 0.0000 LCN 15


Feb 24, 2001
I did not change any LCN order just went in and locked out the other CC and it trunks fine not sure of the LCN order but I would not go to all that trouble when a simple lock out of the CC works since this is temp Im just useing two scanners to hear both side well three one for HC Safe T it is how it was years ago before they linked them together. I might try what you have there and see what happens

Looks like that works for Carmel just put in 5 freqs start at LCN 10 to 14 Trunks fine
works for HC also Trunks fine
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Active Member
Database Admin
Jan 30, 2001
Thanks for the clarification... very confusing.

Now what about utilization of SAFE-T... anyone have the correct lineup of TGRP assignments???


Feb 24, 2001
We will see just how good bypass is on Carmel system realy loaded on a 3 alarm fire in carmel
still in bypass mode


Feb 24, 2001
New Tower To Go Online Today!! Should be in the next hour or so and system to come off Bypass just waiting on Carmel Fire to finish up major fire operations

Looks like closer to 1PM now

WISH 8 reported communications issues between IFD Carmel heck thats nothing new lol
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Feb 24, 2001

Sound Bad not good at all PD already complaining
Wow realy bad way more than drifting issue or sync

As of 2PM sounds a lot better

Same LCN NEW CC 859.8125 Same TG
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Mar 10, 2004
Noblesville, IN
Not sounding so good tonight, Friday 11-12-10. So is this it? Are they all done migrating to the new tower, and is this as good as it's going to get?



there is still some small odds and ends to be finished, but the bulk of it is completed.


Jul 23, 2005
Theres more than small odds and ends that needs to be done. Tonight Hamilton county called for three comapnies to assist with tankers and they can't get a patch to work on Hancock Co firegrounds. That system just isn't working at all with mutual aid. This has been an issue for years with Hamilton County and once again it strikes during a large fire.


HamCo does not have a hancock county radio, however, several hancock co depts have HamCo radios. It's not EDACS fault for that, and since you like to throw stones, I'm going to throw one at the state radio system. It's horrible. Alot of the patching problems lay with the state radio network. Several of the channels don't work properly.



Jul 23, 2005
HamCo does not have a hancock county radio, however, several hancock co depts have HamCo radios. It's not EDACS fault for that, and since you like to throw stones, I'm going to throw one at the state radio system. It's horrible. Alot of the patching problems lay with the state radio network. Several of the channels don't work properly.


Numerous times the past two years Hamilton Co has tried and failed to make patches, EVERY time they whine about it being a state system issue but EVERY time the techs find the issues with Hamilton Co NOT the state. Funny too no one else has a problem making patches when needed.
It's pretty obvious when one place has continueing issues like this where the problem lies. Maybe Hamilton Co should just go back to a conventional system, they sure can't get the junk they have wasted millions on to work right. And the "new" equipment isn't doing any better than the old. Carmel has had a nightmare of a time with consoles failing, even a fire in their dispatch center that knocked out the fire dispatch for a couple days. But I guess you and the rest who claim it's such a good system won't admit it's junk until someone gets killed because of it failing. One of these days that system is going to kill someone, just a matter of time. Hope their insurance is paid up.....


and yet once again viper.. you have proven exactly how little you know about HamCo's system.

There is no "whining" as you put it. The state system is not all the holy grail that you make it out to be. More often than not, the trouble lays on the state system. I wont go into details, but i know this first hand.

So, once again viper, you are talking about things you clearly have no understanding of. Not every patch is going to work in every situation. however, what you also fail to realize, or are just too stupid to see, the many times that the patches actually work, and work flawlessly. Or are you just not wanting to admit that the system actually does work? I think it's just a combination of your ignorance of the HamCo's system, and the fact that you cant swallow your pride and admit that you are wrong.

However, as we are not here to discuss your ignorance of the facts, we are here to discuss the HamCo radio network.

Since you like to bring up the patches all the time. Hows come your holy grail state Safe-T system can't be patched to us, meaning, why must HamCo always be the one patching into the state? This would prove if it is HamCo's problem or if it is a state issue, but alas, the state cant patch. For that matter, the state cant get the MA channels working properly in the first place.

So please.. save the bellyaching. You have proven numerous times that you are clearly just a troll, with nothing good to ever say about anything, and I'm pretty sure that scannerfreak called you out on your so called "knowledge" of the HamCo system back on page one of this thread, and you failed to respond. Pretty much proves that you really don't know what you are talking about.

Have a great day!
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Dec 27, 2007
I don't want to join the debate of Hamco vs state system....my question is about the new tower...has it improved coveage? I know I-69 between 96th and 116th has been a coverage issue in the past.


Dec 28, 2004
Kokomo, IN
I don't want to join the debate of Hamco vs state system....my question is about the new tower...has it improved coveage? I know I-69 between 96th and 116th has been a coverage issue in the past.

From my location, a few miles east of Fishers, I have not noticed a difference.


Feb 24, 2001
I don't want to join the debate of Hamco vs state system....my question is about the new tower...has it improved coveage? I know I-69 between 96th and 116th has been a coverage issue in the past.

NO and it sucks just as bad as before if not worse more and more PD FD complaining all you have to do is listen and hear all the users including schools say repeat radio is broken repeat and the worse thing that will get some one killed is Carmel FD DSP with tones but NO Audio half the time like around 7:30 PM woman down on monon trail but run put out NO Audio nice to see are money waisted. and I do agree Safe T sucks to for our County when they use that as back up it is the same thing. when WISH 8 reported the radio issues last week due to tower switch they realy need to report on the real issues up here that is all the time not just during the upgrade.


Mar 10, 2004
Noblesville, IN
I don't want to join the debate of Hamco vs state system....my question is about the new tower...has it improved coveage? I know I-69 between 96th and 116th has been a coverage issue in the past.

No, it has not improved at all. There is still a lot of static. I am five miles from the tower, and when the static happens I am only getting 2-3 bars on my signal strength meter (396XT). I can't even count how many times I've heard "repeat you were broken."



Jul 23, 2005
Apparently I know more about it than you do, and since when has anyone had issues with MA on SAFET that weren't traced back to TRAINING? I hear the SAFET MA channels used every day, never heard an issue with them. And when units from Hancock or Shelby Co work together there are no radio issues, no patches with issues. Same in Madison Co. A couple weeks ago a fire in Pendleton had 12 departments ALL working together, no issues with patches. Yet no one can work with Hamilton Co without issues with patches, or channels losing audio, or complete system failures. No system is perfect, but they do work and the fail safe measures work on the Moto systems. Hancock Co even has had patches with IFD and no issues.

No whinning? Hmmm, funny but the other night I listened to two cops doing nothing but whine about the radio issue. And the one officer I know has said they are definately leaving the department they are with because of the radio issues. Turns out one day a couple months ago they were in pursuit or something and the system died. Then there is the firefighter who tried radioing a wreck with injuries in and, gee, the radio didn't work, they ended up calling it in with a cell phone, and it rang and rang and rang because dispatch had no radios and eeryone was calling them.... naaa, no one is whinning..... you just plug your ears to it.

Not sure but I think Castleton (Oaklandon based) former Engine 334 had a Hamilton Co radio in it, not sure but it may still have it. That engine is now part of Buck Creek Fire Dept (station 7 Mt Comfort Airport). If so that may help issues but only if it is still installed and still programmed for Hamilton Co. Problem is they rarely call for Buck Creek, usually it's Fortville and/or McCordsville. BTW, Castleton has merged with Buck Creek and some of the equipment is going to Buck Creeks two stations, engine 334 being just one of them.

And no, the "new" tower is no better than the old one, it still has the same issues as the old one, static, breaking up and as mentioned losing audio on fire dispatch in Carmel. That system is a huge liability...... nuf said.

and yet once again viper.. you have proven exactly how little you know about HamCo's system.

There is no "whining" as you put it. The state system is not all the holy grail that you make it out to be. More often than not, the trouble lays on the state system. I wont go into details, but i know this first hand.

So, once again viper, you are talking about things you clearly have no understanding of. Not every patch is going to work in every situation. however, what you also fail to realize, or are just too stupid to see, the many times that the patches actually work, and work flawlessly. Or are you just not wanting to admit that the system actually does work? I think it's just a combination of your ignorance of the HamCo's system, and the fact that you cant swallow your pride and admit that you are wrong.

However, as we are not here to discuss your ignorance of the facts, we are here to discuss the HamCo radio network.

Since you like to bring up the patches all the time. Hows come your holy grail state Safe-T system can't be patched to us, meaning, why must HamCo always be the one patching into the state? This would prove if it is HamCo's problem or if it is a state issue, but alas, the state cant patch. For that matter, the state cant get the MA channels working properly in the first place.

So please.. save the bellyaching. You have proven numerous times that you are clearly just a troll, with nothing good to ever say about anything, and I'm pretty sure that scannerfreak called you out on your so called "knowledge" of the HamCo system back on page one of this thread, and you failed to respond. Pretty much proves that you really don't know what you are talking about.

Have a great day!
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