and yet once again viper.. you have proven exactly how little you know about HamCo's system.
There is no "whining" as you put it. The state system is not all the holy grail that you make it out to be. More often than not, the trouble lays on the state system. I wont go into details, but i know this first hand.
So, once again viper, you are talking about things you clearly have no understanding of. Not every patch is going to work in every situation. however, what you also fail to realize, or are just too stupid to see, the many times that the patches actually work, and work flawlessly. Or are you just not wanting to admit that the system actually does work? I think it's just a combination of your ignorance of the HamCo's system, and the fact that you cant swallow your pride and admit that you are wrong.
However, as we are not here to discuss your ignorance of the facts, we are here to discuss the HamCo radio network.
Since you like to bring up the patches all the time. Hows come your holy grail state Safe-T system can't be patched to us, meaning, why must HamCo always be the one patching into the state? This would prove if it is HamCo's problem or if it is a state issue, but alas, the state cant patch. For that matter, the state cant get the MA channels working properly in the first place.
So please.. save the bellyaching. You have proven numerous times that you are clearly just a troll, with nothing good to ever say about anything, and I'm pretty sure that scannerfreak called you out on your so called "knowledge" of the HamCo system back on page one of this thread, and you failed to respond. Pretty much proves that you really don't know what you are talking about.
Have a great day!