Please stop reading my mind.

I suggested that for the SDS series.
I even highlighted how it could be done.
There is a GUI in Sentinel that works within the existing limits.
With regards to customization, is there a way you could have 5 or even 10 customized detailed trunked screens. And then be able to assign them per system? Reason I ask, is some public safety multisite systems, I don't know who the users are. So I'd rather look at Site # / Bat Voltage / Unit ID / LAT / LON etc. Now the small business system next door that I personally know them, I might want to replace all the lower 4 field with Unit Name information. That would just be 1 thing that would make the device that much nicer.
And I know I've asked for it before, but in an update for future models, or even the SDS if possible, put an option for Close Call and per channel to require a PL / DPL / RAN / CC / NAC. I do a lot of system sleuthing, and it would be great if I could leave the scanner running in record mode, and only record fully decoded data, as opposed to random data bursts.
Also, in the future, can we exclude ranges from CC? I run CC DND in the background, and for some reason my mobile installation gets a bunch of hits from 180 - 181 mhz. I don't know what transmits there, but I sure would like to just remove the range, instead of locking out ever 12.5 khz step that pops up randomly. Might even be nice to be able to change that range from 136 - 225 to 136 - 174 or whatever we are interested in.
And lastly, Sentinel is great. However, I disagree with 100 mile ranges in RR database on some systems, and want to change them to realistic numbers. Can Uniden add a way for me to append new information without overwriting my current range settings? Sentinel does a lot, but if it could do just a little more, there would be no complaining. I'm new to the DMA scanners (only 2 years in) after laying out for a few years, but I'm catching up.