After reading all this, I would be very skeptical of "Joe Bearcat's" credibility or if he can provide any type of real product improvements.
And then question me an answer, if JB isn't "part of Uniden"... Then however did he get to announce the firmware update for the BCD996P2 here on June 24, 2021?
Or was that a real Uniden person impersonation of JB to keep the scam going?
I don't question that he is a representative of Uniden in whatever capacity, part-time or full-time. He certainly is a spokesperson who is familiar with the radios as many of us are.
As far as being skeptical of his being able to make any real product improvements I think the last 7 months speaks for itself, I was put off by the username, Paul had a username also that he was called by but he never hid his identity. That made me uncomfortable right from the get-go unless he really was the grandson of Betty Bearcat.
As far as being Paul's replacement, we all know that nobody can replace Paul but... after about a month when we didn't see the firmware rolling out on a regular basis, or at least the public release of beta firmware I felt that he was not a replacement for Paul but was a spokesman passing along customers concerns to whoever wasn't doing anything at all to address any issues prior.
This arrangement worked for quite a while but it was not sustainable. Let's stay optimistic and see what happens.