Why are you folks getting so upset? Did you all forget the whole durn world shutdown for over a year? And may soon do so again!
I have no idea how long Joe has been with Uniden, he worked with Paul so at least since late 2019. I have no idea of his technical skills vs Paul's but come on, why are a lot of you beating him up? Do you really believe he's not telling us what he can and so forth.
Do you really think Uniden has a pile of firmware engineers just sitting there twiddling there thumbs? That they party all day long? Do you really any firmware coder can just fix any bug in a day or two.
Reality folks, cool down. You don't like Uniden, then sell yours and go buy one from another company.
I have no idea how long Joe has been with Uniden, he worked with Paul so at least since late 2019. I have no idea of his technical skills vs Paul's but come on, why are a lot of you beating him up? Do you really believe he's not telling us what he can and so forth.
Do you really think Uniden has a pile of firmware engineers just sitting there twiddling there thumbs? That they party all day long? Do you really any firmware coder can just fix any bug in a day or two.
Reality folks, cool down. You don't like Uniden, then sell yours and go buy one from another company.