It's a Motorola Type II UHF/500 MHz System. I don't use Radio Shack scanners so I don't know if it would be programmed as a Motorola Type II UHF System or a Motorola Type II 500 MHz System. You would need to set the scanner for Trunk for that particular bank, enter the system type, the frequencies and then the Base Frequency (505.000), Offset Channel (380) and Spacing (12.5). Once you've entered all of that, you need to enter the DEC Talk Groups. I don't know if you've checked the database here for the info on the system or not. If not, it's located here:
BTW, the fire departments that are dispatched by county and operate on the trunk system are dispatched on conventional frequeny 508.1875 PL 71.9. After dispatch they use the trunk system for response/fire ground. At times, they will switch over to the conventional fire ground frequenies for fire ground. These are low power simplex and difficult to monitor unless you are very close to the fire scene. The conventional repeater tower frequencies can also be used for fire ground, although they rarely are. The county conventional frequency information is listed here:
All of the FDs on the trunk system have the capability to use all of the conventional repeater tower frequencies. The locations listed with each of them (Barnegat, Lakewood, Toms River, etc) simply indicate the municipalites in which the towers are located.