The latest version of the sketch is 2.3 which I've attached here. The best baud rates I've found are either 57600 or 115200. I prefer 115200.
I've never tested my program with the BCT15, BC346XT or the BCT8. I was able to find the reference guide for the BC346XT and the commands it uses seem to be the same as on the 396XT and 996T.
The problem you are seeing might be because the Serial-to-TTL adapter isn't receiving enough power. I just had another issue when I tried to use another adapter that I normally wouldn't have used. In the end I tapped power from another USB port by hacking off the USB-B end and using just the power cables. I would also review the tech specs for the chip on the adapter to find the proper voltage needed. The MAX232 based adapter will work between +3V and +5V but my second adapter needs 5V +- 10% When I measure voltage going to the adapter I read only 4V which isn't enough to drive the second adapter.
I would also open the Serial Console. CTRL-SHIFT-M or Tools->Serial Monitor. The first three lines you should see are:
What I'm doing is first reading your volume setting. The next two lines have to do with knowing what your scanner is currently doing, scanning or listening. These last two will repeat indefinitely unless you interact with the scanner in some way. ie. change the volume. If when you start the Serial Monitor and you only see VOL, that means that there is no communication between the adapter and your scanner.
Is the cable you are using the same you would use to program the scanner with your computer? To verify your cable you can use your computer to speak directly to your scanner.. Download PuTTY
PuTTY Download Page Run the program, choose Serial and set the baud rate. Once connected type in VOL all in caps. It should return VOL followed by a number.
If that works try typing in GLG If the scanner isn't picking up anything it will return
if if something is found
GLG,36240,FM,0,0,NJ State Police,Troop B Northhhh,Detectives,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE
Try the STS command:
STS,011000, ,,Troop B Northhhh,,4-COMM East ,, 858.4625 ,,S0:--3*------ ,,GRP12345678** ,,1,0,0,0,,,0,GREEN,0
If these work then the cable is good. If not, I would start there.