I have not gone so far as to use a thumb drive (or radio's the SD memory card for that matter) to verify this works on anything besides the C drive. However, based on a few minutes experimentation (I've spent more time typing this post), I foresee no problems.
First, let me make it clear that I have NO experience programming or anything else with Windows. Back in the DOS days I knew enough to be dangerous. I ran a BBS for several years and did a lot of work with .BAT files and had a CONFIG.SYS file that was 3 pages long. Ah, but for the good old days with DESQview as the only way to multi-task since Windows 3.1 was so flaky...
Considering how the Sentinel file works, is it possible to edit or modify the config file to look in the current folder or sub-folder(s) without specifying a drive letter? I have 3 different laptops and each assign a different letter to my thumbdrive.