i do not know if the batter door has what you want or if it is just a serial number.
Hello, as far as I saw it is just a serial number, the address is 7 digits as I saw
You need to first find the frequency of the pager, and then find the cap code. SDR+ and your SDR can help with both the frequency and cap code using a POCSAG plugin, assuming the message isn't encrypted. You can probably google the model number to help narrow down the band, VHF, UHF or 900 MHz. There is no easy way, it will take time and research on your part. Good luck!
I have the frequency of the gold line, I don't see the frequency of the advisor, regarding the address, I can't find it for the goldline and I think I found it for the advisor but I'm not sure...
Ok I will bite, tell me how Sdr+ and a pocsag plugin gonna tell you the frequency and capcode of the pager..
if its not active on any system?
Exactly, it is not on any system, I want to do it locally only
I agreee, that last post was in response to RalieghGuy saying the OP never said they wernt active on a system.
Still waiting with baited breath to see how they intend to find the Capcode and other pertinent info needed to make it go off with only Sdr+ and a pocsag plugin...
Even knowing the CC isnt going to guarentee a readable message
Exactly, it's not on any system, I want to do everything locally, I have a hackrf one with the porta pack, it has POCSAG, but I need the frequency (in goldline I have it) and the 7-digit address (in advisor I think I have it), But in advisor I think I only have the address and I don't have the frequency, and in goldline I have the frequency but not the address