HP2 for home use questions

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Dec 28, 2012
I just got a HP 2 Today, i used to have a HP1 that had a ac plug, the HP2 doesn't. The place where i got it from gav me a wall wart USB adapter for it. So i know on the HP1 it had to have batteries for replay options to work. So for my HP2, it will be 100 percent home use, so do i connect it to the wall all the time, that is what i plan to do. And it always asks me about charging the batteries, what do i do, i like to keep the screen on, so if plugged in, is that going to run down the batteries? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I just got a HP 2 Today, i used to have a HP1 that had a ac plug, the HP2 doesn't. The place where i got it from gav me a wall wart USB adapter for it. So i know on the HP1 it had to have batteries for replay options to work. So for my HP2, it will be 100 percent home use, so do i connect it to the wall all the time, that is what i plan to do. And it always asks me about charging the batteries, what do i do, i like to keep the screen on, so if plugged in, is that going to run down the batteries? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I run my HP-2 24/7, plugged in to a USB adapter (a high current one for the HP-2, and 436HP, among others). No problems at all.

The scanner will run off the adapter with no problems, so there's no drain on the batteries,. I use low self-discharge batteries (Eneloops) so that the batteries keep a charge in them. Besides keeping the record options in play (they won't work without batteries in the scanner, even if running off an adapter), the batteries give you a sort of safety net against a power outage causing the sd card to get corrupted.

Any time you plug an adapter into the scanner, or if there was a brief power outage, the scanner will ask if you want to charge the batteries. You can just ignore it if you want.
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