I also have the Alinco DX-SR8E (receiver) on order, which I will use for HF, but it is still not here with me.
I get satisfactory performance with Tecsun PL 660 on HF, I have been listening to Radio Australia and also Radio Havana. I have once managed to hear Amateur Radio on USB from Georgia. All this with just the supplied wire antenna. I would like to be able to listen to more Ham's on SSB but I still haven't had much success there.
As for the VHF aviation signals, these too are well received using the radio's own whip antenna, for those signals in the vicinity...Far away aircraft are received, but very faintly. Also the frequencies for VHF need to be inputted, scanning is not available.
Now I also have a Icom IC R6 on order, because I fancied a scanner too. Then my plan is, after trying out these three radios to see what I can do about a good antenna. I am not too knowledgeable in these things, but learning is fun.