R6 Icom IC-R6 Skip Function Reset?


Apr 1, 2007
Myrtle Beach, SC
I really like my newly purchased IC-R6 handheld receiver and I've learned how to do a lot with it over the last few days, but I have a nagging question that's been driving me nuts. Is there any way to clear the channels/ frequencies marked as "SKIP" all at once, instead of having to locate and find each one that says, "SKIP" in order to reset that channel individually? This takes a considerable amount of time, and you can't always remember which ones were skipped.

I've searched high and low for an answer to this online and in the manual and can't find anything. If it works like my Yaesu FT-60R, and you have to sit there and manually un-skip each individual channel, that will truly suck. Of course, myabe it's just me and I'm missing something out of sheer stupidity, but it's a weird dilemma nonetheless. As we all know, Uniden has the L/O-AVOID function and it resets all channels by simply holding the key down for a couple of seconds. I guess I'm hoping for something like that.
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