After a couple of days with this receiver I like it a lot.
I used the Butel software to program it, and mostly copied the data from one of my other Butel receiver programs. This software though, does not have a receiver settings page and that must be done on the receiver itself.
This is the fastest scan speed I've ever seen on any scanner or receiver. The radio was non-stop busy yesterday morning with constant traffic from aircraft talking to St. Louis, Indy, Chicago, and Memphis ARTCCs, as well as local traffic from three regional, one international, and many minor airports using UNICOM.
The only gripes I have so far, is that it is somewhat confusing at times to link catagories and groups, and then unlink them. I am not used to the nomenclature used and have to refer to the manual until I get used to this.
All other settings are easily accessed and used, text entering is straightforward and fast using the control knob, and generally navigating around the radio is easy.
My second gripe is when you are monitoring VFO B and the same frequency comes up during a memory scan on VFO A and transmission starts, the volume on both VFOs nearly disappears. Locking out the scanned frequency stops this while still allowing monitoring of the same frequency.
Sensitivity is among the best I've heard or used. The audio is clear and sharp without any muddiness, much like what I would hear in a set of H10-30s.
This was receiving five NOAA WX stations with the Moonraker Super Gainer inside my home. It was also receiving AWOS from the local airport three miles away, same antenna and location. Only the AR8200 MkIII can receive this signal inside my home until now.
Most of yesterday it spent time on a Hustler G6 5/8 wave ground plane. Frequency mismatch didn't matter. This radio was pulling in everything including a repeater 40 miles away that I had trouble hearing even on my Kenwood TH-74D.
Except for the volume problem on both VFOs receiving the same frequency, ICOM did good with this receiver. I'm very glad I added it to the collection. It makes a few of my other rigs look bad.