Industrial Electronics (264) NexEdge96 Trunked System


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Hi Folks,

Fast forward 8 months. More people are using DSDPlus and now both Whistler TRX-1/2 and Uniden BCD436HP/536HP support NXDN. Might be a good time to dust off things and explore this system some more.

There are somewhere around 14 sites that are online (based upon IE's coverage map) but which aren't listed in the DB. Four of those sites are designated as active on my Google map. Bottom line is that there are plenty of sites out there to find / verify / submit to the DB should anyone be inclined to do so.

* Sunbury is probably the Chulsky PA or the Treverton PA license (or a combination of frequencies from each)
* Mansfield is probably the Wellsboro PA, Jackson Summit PA or Troy PA license (or a combination of frequencies from each)

If you have any questions, just post them.

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
I am able to monitor the Sussex site from Branchville .

It seems to work fine.

I looked at the links provided

The Branchville (Sussex) site infomation matches from both web pages
and works fine.

Site 11 pecks pond from PA is different in both list .

Does not track properly.

I noticed some of the frequencies for Pecks pond are in the RR database and some are
duplicates of the Sussex site .

Which Web paid should one follow ?

Did not look at other sites .


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2004
Northeast PA
Updated the firmware in my 536 the other day.... ordering the NXDN upgrade soon. Once I do that (and warmer weather arrives so I can sit for more than 30 min in my car where my 536 is) I'll get these IE freqs into my scanner. I know I'm well within range of Pecks Pond and other sites in Pike and Wayne PA.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I looked at the links provided

Site 11 pecks pond from PA is different in both list .

Does not track properly.

I noticed some of the frequencies for Pecks pond are in the RR database and some are
duplicates of the Sussex site .

I do not see any frequencies on the Pecks Pond license duplicated on the Branchville license.

I do not see any frequencies in the DB for Pecks Pond that duplicate frequencies in the DB for the Branchville site.

14 freqs are licensed (trunked) for Pecks Pond
6 freqs are licensed (trunked) for Branchville

If the DB shows less, it is just that nobody had confirmed any of the other frequencies on those licenses to be active. If you are using a TRX, you might want to try programming all the freqs for a given site in and see how that works. If you are using a BCD436/536HP you might want to program all the freqs in for a given site and then run LCN Finder on the site and see how many LCNs are verified.

Of course if you use LCN Finder, it totally depends upon the frequencies being in use at some point while you monitor. If you monitor any site on the weekend there is probably less traffic. Best is to monitor any of these sites during daytime M-F, as that's when these types of systems are most active.



OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Updated the firmware in my 536 the other day.... ordering the NXDN upgrade soon. Once I do that (and warmer weather arrives so I can sit for more than 30 min in my car where my 536 is) I'll get these IE freqs into my scanner. I know I'm well within range of Pecks Pond and other sites in Pike and Wayne PA.

Sounds good. Just keep in mind that because the Unidens do require proper RAN and channel number (or LCN if you prefer) to track, you will need to have that information entered in.

The LCN Finder on the BCDs works great, but you have to have activity on the site -- enough activity for all of the active frequencies on the site to have had traffic on them during the course of your monitoring. Otherwise the LCN Finder won't "complete". But, even if the LCN Finder doesn't complete, you'll have the option to support any information it finds about the active LCNs (channel numbers) and frequencies.

So far it is working out good for me, on the sites I monitor here in Ohio.

You'll want to have access (in your car) to the full list of freqs licensed for each site. But I guess that is what you meant by putting the frequencies in beforehand. I haven't seen anybody report this yet, but it is possible that you might find (a) 454 mhz frequencies in use on this system, (b) frequencies from conventional licenses used on this system . So far though everything that has been reported was indeed found to be on a corresponding trunked license.

Good luck!


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Also, for anyone who has the ability to run DSDPlus on a site, please document that RAN that is listed in DSDPlus as you monitor a site's control channel. I am not sure, but I think we are missing some confirmation of RANs on sites. And, if you happen to be monitoring with DSDPlus, please note the list of site neighbors that DSD shows (as well as the channel numbers associated with those sites neighbors) and then post them and/or compare them to what is listed in the DB for site neighbors.

You can see what site neighbors are listed in the DB for a given site by clicking on the actual site name.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
And, when I get some time this week, I will update the Google Spreadsheet that is referenced early which lists the trunked licenses. I will update that spreadsheet to include the channel number (LCN) for each of the frequencies.

That way, if you want to monitor a site such as Pecks Pond (14 frequencies licensed), you'll have both the frequencies and the channel numbers to program into your scanner and will only need to know the RAN.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
And, when I get some time this week, I will update the Google Spreadsheet that is referenced early which lists the trunked licenses. I will update that spreadsheet to include the channel number (LCN) for each of the frequencies.

I've added the channel numbers aka LCNs to each frequency listed on the licenses on the spreadsheet.



OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
My receiving location is near the intersection of Monroe, Pike, and Wayne counties. The CC I'm receiving is 463.6875 from Site 10 on Salem Hill in Wayne Co, but may have some others as well-

2017/05/17 09:59:16 L264-10 neighbor: Site L264-7; CC=241
2017/05/17 09:59:16 L264-10 neighbor: Site L264-15; CC=174
2017/05/17 09:59:16 L264-10 neighbor: Site L264-16; CC=795

Per your information above, and upon cross referencing licenses and determining frequencies associated with the channel numbers above, the following sites have been added to the DB.

Not only were they added to the DB because they were listed as neighbors to Preston Park, but also because the website has listed these three sites as being part of the trunked system ever since last year.

  • Site 7 : 453.0000 : cc ch num 241 : WQRY386 Windsor NY (Broome)
  • Site 15 : 452.1625 : cc ch num 174 : WNGT997 Union Dale PA (Susquehanna)
  • Site 16 : 464.9250 : cc ch num 795 : WPMV813 / WPIV336 / WPJS214 Scranton PA (Lackawanna)

The spreadsheet lists all frequencies / channel numbers for the sites. There are two sites in Scranton, both licensed for 464.925 -- but I'd bet that it's the larger coverage site (Bald Mountain), and that is the one I have entered into the DB. WPMV813 / WPIV336 are the Bald Mountain Scranton site licenses and WPJS214 is the "other" Scranton site license.

Thank you for the research, Pop!
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
For this particular system, here is a tip for those of you who can monitor with DSDPlus:

Monitor the control channel of any site, preferably for at least 8 hours between 9 am and 5 pm on a weekday (which is when most activity is likely to occur).

DSDPlus will reveal to you the channel numbers of all of the active repeaters on a given site. Those channel numbers can then be converted into actual frequencies (because this system uses a standard bandplan). And then we can add those active frequencies (and only those active frequencies) to the DB.

If we were to add all of the frequencies licensed for each site to the site, without confirming that they are actually in use, they could potentially cause interference when scanning because some of them may be used for other purposes than this system.

So, let's say you were monitoring Site 16 with DSDPlus, if over a decent period of time it reveals 5 unique channel numbers in use, then if you post / submit those channel numbers we can "convert" them to the corresponding frequencies and add them to the DB.

In a nutshell, all you have to do is monitor the control channel during a busy part of the day, determine the channel numbers in use via DSDplus and post/submit them, and we can then figure out the frequencies for them and add them to the sites in the DB.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2004
Northeast PA
I also am planning to see if there is correlation among the website data listings for IE/Conway, what I got earlier with DSDPlus, and what I hope to get this week from the new capability of the BCD536.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I also am planning to see if there is correlation among the website data listings for IE/Conway, what I got earlier with DSDPlus, and what I hope to get this week from the new capability of the BCD536.

Do keep in mind a few things:

  • Many companies have licenses with NXDN emissions but are still using analog on those frequencies
  • Many companies do not bother to update their licenses with proper emissions after having switched
  • Based upon what I could see on, Conway/Independence does appear to have updated the vast majority of their licenses to include NXDN emissions -- although that doesn't guarantee the sites on that license are NXDN


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2004
Northeast PA
Finally starting to make some progress with this. My NXDN upgrade is installed and working. But my scanner is in my vehicle and it's been too cold to sit out in the garage punching in systems, sites, and freqs manually. So today was the first time I could spend a little time out there manually entering about 2/3 of the frequencies needed for the entire IE system in the two counties nearest my location. I ran the Analyze function and LCN Finder and found 4 of 27 LCNs on one site, and 1 of 10 on another. So LOTS more time needed for Analyze to run and grab LCNs. The System Status display is showing one of the sites as active and some other details. But more analysis with LCN Finder needed, etc.
Once it completes at least one of the sites I plan to do a "read" with Sentinel and see all what info is available (if anything, since Sentinel doesn't yet support NXDN).


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Finally starting to make some progress with this. My NXDN upgrade is installed and working. But my scanner is in my vehicle and it's been too cold to sit out in the garage punching in systems, sites, and freqs manually. So today was the first time I could spend a little time out there manually entering about 2/3 of the frequencies needed for the entire IE system in the two counties nearest my location. I ran the Analyze function and LCN Finder and found 4 of 27 LCNs on one site, and 1 of 10 on another. So LOTS more time needed for Analyze to run and grab LCNs. The System Status display is showing one of the sites as active and some other details. But more analysis with LCN Finder needed, etc.
Once it completes at least one of the sites I plan to do a "read" with Sentinel and see all what info is available (if anything, since Sentinel doesn't yet support NXDN).

Sounds like you've been pretty busy. Entering all of those trunked sites / frequencies manually is a real labor of love.

You probably know this, but keep i mind that if you enter 5 frequencies in the scanner will display # of 5 LCNs found, and if you enter in 30 frequencies the scanner will display # of 30 LCNs found. It is easy to get the notion that the scanner knows for a fact that there are 5 or 30 LCNs on the site, but that isn't true. I'm sure that none of those sites are running anywhere near 27 frequencies. I wouldn't spend a huge amount of time sitting on one site trying to get the scanner to finish a complete LCN determination. I think you'd be lucky if the scanner completed an LCN finder session on even the sites with significantly less licensed frequencies.

Just save the LCNs when you are done and move on to the next one. Then when you are in a convenient place, you can go back through and look at each channel and note which ones have a non-zero LCN and mark down those channels as active and note their LCNs.

I had been suggesting to people that they check all the frequencies assigned to a site, but now that you mentioned your LCN finding sessions it made me realize how tedius that might end up being.

I'm sure you will find plenty more, but please don't become disheartened if you never have an LCN finder session complete when scanning all frequencies licensed to the site.

Thanks for the hard work. I'm glad to hear you're achieving success with the LCN finding project.



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Very little talk group reporting .
Anyone hearing anything not in the database ?

I have found two I cannot ID

751 and 816

Anyone ?


Feb 18, 2013
Nazareth, Pennsylvania
Below are all of my unconfirmed talk groups for this system.
TG 1 1
TG 2 2
TG 31 31
TG 51 51
TG 102 102
TG 131 131
TG 141 141
TG 161 161
TG 191 191
TG 192 192
TG 241 241
TG 242 242
TG 281 281
TG 301 301
TG 311 311
TG 340 340
TG 341 341
TG 391 391
TG 431 431
TG 491 491
TG 495 495
TG 546 546
TG 581 581
TG 601 601
TG 603 603
TG 606 606
TG 607 607
TG 609 609
TG 639 639
TG 641 641
TG 656 656
TG 660 660
TG 661 661
TG 681 681
TG 726 726
TG 727 727
TG 751 751
TG 760 760
TG 761 761
TG 781 781
TG 786 786
TG 788 788
Electrical Contractor 789
TG 797 797
TG 801 801
TG 856 856
TG 861 861
TG 881 881


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Below are all of my unconfirmed talk groups for this system.
TG 1 1
TG 2 2
TG 31 31
TG 51 51
TG 102 102
TG 131 131
TG 141 141
TG 161 161
TG 191 191
TG 192 192
TG 241 241
TG 242 242
TG 281 281
TG 301 301
TG 311 311
TG 340 340
TG 341 341
TG 391 391
TG 431 431
TG 491 491
TG 495 495
TG 546 546
TG 581 581
TG 601 601
TG 603 603
TG 606 606
TG 607 607
TG 609 609
TG 639 639
TG 641 641
TG 656 656
TG 660 660
TG 661 661
TG 681 681
TG 726 726
TG 727 727
TG 751 751
TG 760 760
TG 761 761
TG 781 781
TG 786 786
TG 788 788
Electrical Contractor 789
TG 797 797
TG 801 801
TG 856 856
TG 861 861
TG 881 881

Why not submit talk group 789

You could be the tie breaker:
Right now there are 19 sites listed and
19 talk groups listed. LOL


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2004
Northeast PA
Since April I entered about 28 discrete channels into each site (Matamoras, Pecks Pond, Newfoundland, Preston Park) and have used Analyze - LCN Finder for several hours at a time on each site. I found a grand total of 4 LCNs.... all of them on Pecks Pond. No activity (at least that I'm receiving) on any of the others. This system has A LOT of room for expansion! I have heard a canoe/kayak recreation company, some kind of maintenance (HVAC?) and I think 1 or 2 school systems. Unfortunately, my 536HP is mobile and every time I hear something I'm driving and can't read the TGID on the display. I'll see if I can match a TGID with a service.


Feb 18, 2013
Nazareth, Pennsylvania
Why not submit talk group 789

You could be the tie breaker:
Right now there are 19 sites listed and
19 talk groups listed. LOL

Because it's still unconfirmed. I only have the alpha tag listed that way because that's what I think it is at this point. I don't hear that particular talk group very often. Actually, many on that list were captured only once or twice. This system seems to be much busier over the winter months, at least on the Stroudsburg site (site 23).


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN

IE2Way has filed for eight new trunked licenses in the past two months or less. Some of the apps have been approved and some are pending.

WRBX326 Reading PA (Berks)
WRBX658 Minersville PA (Schuylkill)
WRBX792 Cornwall PA (Lancaster)
pending Coudersport PA (Potter)
pending Little Marsh PA (Tioga)
pending Smethport PA (McKean)
pending Renovo PA (Clinton)
pending Oxford PA (Chester)

License / Frequency Info
Google Map
- Google Map will not jive with DB, as there are a few sites I'm not sure about