Sorry I think I missed part of your message a few threads ago. The antenna one of those indoor antennas that come with the cheap SDR dongles which is currently in the middle of my office. So it's range should be pretty limited. And being the Harrisburg is much closer than Lancaster I would think that I would only be able to see Harrisburg (But I guess anything is possible).
I was running this on a Raspberry Pi over SoapySDR to stream to a windows PC and doing the virtual cable technique to get information to DSD. This morning I spent moving the dongle to the Windows pc to see if I could get the trunktracking function to work in DSD, which I was able to do after a while. So far, I am not seeing any voice activity though, just a bunch of radio registrations for talk group 65.
" just a bunch of radio registrations for talk group 65" is the same thing I've seen today on site 11 with one on TG 89 and 3 on TG 105, very little voice activity during any of the times I've parked on site 11. This is all today --
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