In the past week, I'm beginning to get interference on my Radio Shack Pro 2067. It's very similar to the AM radio in the older cars that you used to put spark plus suppressors on to stop the noise. In my case it's my BCD 996P2 scanning that the RS is picking up. Both have separate outdoor antennas. This hasn't been a problem in the past, this just happened in the last couple of weeks and in doing a little research, it's definitely the Bearcat scanning. The static happens on the VHF frequencies, 155-162Mhz. If I stop scanning on the Bearcat, the static stops, however not using the BCD is not an option. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, but I can't figure it out. Is there a filter for this and if there is, where can I purchase one? Has any of you listeners ever encountered this???