Introducing the SDS200

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Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
Now that is a crappy sounding speaker and had to send back. Tried using for something else and wound up with a cheap computer speaker. I can hear every radio fine with their built-in speakers, even in vehicles. Some of ya'll must be some deaf mofos...and I have hearing loss too.

It's not intended for high fidelity (music or full rich sound). It's a communications speaker that is intentionally designed to sound flat and yes, even a little crappy as you say. The frequency response of a perfect speaker for music might be 20Hz-20kHz! The range of the Uniden BC15 is 500Hz-5kHz. This makes it sound sharp and clear specifically to pass the most intelligable portion of the human voice.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 15, 2008
The Villages, FL
Quick questions on the Inland Pro Sound 2000 multi media speakers. When ordering is the AC power supply included? Also, how connect to the SDS100? Do I use a stereo plug? Thanks


Feed Provider
Jan 18, 2010
People's Republik of Massachusetts
Don't discount the LAN port. That makes a RH possible. I can't say I've heard anythng, but it IS possible to add a RH. The same can be said for the USB ports.

I would be surprised if they use the RJ45 jack for a RH. Since it's currently used for 802.3 - there isn't any power out, unless the SDS200 offers POE 802.3af (or at), which is entirely possible - but then the RH would have to be an IP based unit - to which I imagine would drive the cost up significantly, versus a serial type head unit. The USB jack would be much more plausible.


Jul 24, 2016
Wonder if the first batch of radios will come via a cargo plane and the rest will trickle in via cargo ships over a period of time.
With the government shut down, will they get through customs? Are government workers inspecting items coming in from China or Vietnam considered essential? Or will the scanners just sit there on a pallet in their port of entry until the government reopens and can be cleared?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
With the government shut down, will they get through customs? Are government workers inspecting items coming in from China or Vietnam considered essential? Or will the scanners just sit there on a pallet in their port of entry until the government reopens and can be cleared?

If the ports or customs were shut down this country would be on its knees in less than a week. The economy would tank, unemployment would soar. That applies to both import and export.

FWIW - I doubt if any customs are off at all. The amount actually inspected is just a few percentage points of the total incoming


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2013
Dallas, Georgia
With the government shut down, will they get through customs? Are government workers inspecting items coming in from China or Vietnam considered essential? Or will the scanners just sit there on a pallet in their port of entry until the government reopens and can be cleared?

Relax. We can win this one! :D


Jul 24, 2016
If the ports or customs were shut down this country would be on its knees in less than a week. The economy would tank, unemployment would soar. That applies to both import and export.

FWIW - I doubt if any customs are off at all. The amount actually inspected is just a few percentage points of the total incoming
That's good to hear. I was worried the scanners would be left outside to get rained on until the government reopened.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
This. My son is in that industry. If the ports were shut down, I'd have heard about it two seconds after it happened.

If the ports or customs were shut down this country would be on its knees in less than a week. The economy would tank, unemployment would soar. That applies to both import and export.

FWIW - I doubt if any customs are off at all. The amount actually inspected is just a few percentage points of the total incoming


Dec 27, 2005
Wow, discussing modes of transportation and ports of entry. People must really be getting bored waiting for this thing LOL

No football for a couple of hours. Too cold and wet to go outside. Nothing much good on TV.

Wow, discussing modes of transportation and ports of entry. People must really be getting bored waiting for this thing LOL

Some stringers have there own vehicle they drive news stations don't issue everyone one a vehicle. The stringers here in FL have a press id and a press tag on the front of the car.

I think what D19 is trying to say is that "press" credentials don't give stringers the right to drive that way...II'd have to agree.

Guy didn’t even have PP plates otherwise I could’ve given them even more info.

I suspect the guy probably got a lecture from the on scene sergeant, as I was very adamant with CHP Dispatch that the guy was right on scene with them, go contact him.

I know the S unit acknowledged the BOL, so I can only hope he got his hand slapped.

Some of these stringers drive CVPI’s with red/Amber deck lights. It’s ridiculous. Go be a cop/firefighter/park ranger/lifeguard/astronaut.

They can have red/amber lights???

I don't know the context of the article that was pulled from or whether it was informative or an opinion article but I think the operative phrase there might be "other chasers." If the general public are the "chasers" then something should be done. You can't deny the media some sort of access to the scenes. Like it or not, it's a necessary evil guaranteed by the Constitution. If the media started mentioning that they were blocked from police scenes, someone might begin to realize the government is trying to hide something.

I don't have an issue with the media if, 1) it's legit, and 2) they don't include themselves in the actual response by racing to the scene.

If they're not unduly endangering anyone, I have no problem with it. News stringers are supposed to be our eyes and ears when we can't be there personally. Pretty difficult to do if he's stuck in the same traffic jam I'm in.
Absolutely no excuse. There is always a risk when driving like a sausage. I can't begin to tell you the inherent risk when driving code 3 to EMS calls...and that's when using red lights, sirens, and EVOC training. Now, take the same (traffic/risk) circumstances, WITHOUT lights, sirens, EVOC training, and common sense. I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with stringers, or any media for that matter, rushing to the scene. If they miss the story, so be it. They then have more time to do a post-incident report.

I can understand your point of view. However, people using this as justification is what has lead to the disease known as "whackerism". A non public safety official trying to give the image they are one, is dangerous. If anyone else had driven like that (and I know they do) they likely stood the chance of getting busted. The fact that law enforcement was too busy doing other things doesn't make it ok.

If you don't hear about a pursuit until the next day, is it still news? In other words, most of what people call news is just actually a form of entertainment. Information can be provided to the public by many sources. Having video isn't necessary. This guy was simply trying to make a buck at the risk of others safety.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Silent Key/KF4ANC
Feb 12, 2005
Fairborn, OH
Quick questions on the Inland Pro Sound 2000 multi media speakers. When ordering is the AC power supply included? Also, how connect to the SDS100? Do I use a stereo plug? Thanks

yes, it comes with AC direct and the audio is connected by 1/8th in. standard plug - very basic plug and play



Nov 12, 2002
It's not intended for high fidelity (music or full rich sound). It's a communications speaker that is intentionally designed to sound flat and yes, even a little crappy as you say. The frequency response of a perfect speaker for music might be 20Hz-20kHz! The range of the Uniden BC15 is 500Hz-5kHz. This makes it sound sharp and clear specifically to pass the most intelligable portion of the human voice.

That's the problem with descriptions like "crappy". Audio sounds different to different people. What sounds tinny to person A sounds bassy to person B.

Next mix in some older folk who have lost the upper part of their range and everything sounds bassy unless it's really tinny. Then that sounds normal to them but tinny to someone with normal hearing.

Then mix in a communications system that is tinny to start with. It will sound even more tinny on some speakers, but normal on one that has more bass response. But that speaker will sound bassy on a properly set up system by comparison.

But, the correct response for communications is 50-3000 Hz. (all else being equal such as a properly set up communications system. On many analog systems you can get away with 300-3000 Hz since audio below 300 Hz is often (but not always) subdued. But for digital you need the full range of 50-3000 Hz.

What audio comes down to is that the speaker audio should sound pretty much exactly like what the user sounds like in person.

Bottom line is that if you don't like the audio of any given receiver, add an equalizer to make it how you like it. (of course, if your hearing favors the bass, a cheap tinny speaker may be just what you need to make things sound 'good'.

As for the Uniden scanners, I've found the mobiles to usually be pretty authentic. Yes, the portables are more tinny, but there is only so much bass you get get from a tiny speaker. Since the SDS is SDR-based, perhaps Uniden can add an equalizer (even basic bass/nominal/tinny) via firmware which likely wasn't possible in past models.
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