Im glad I double checked trying a firmware upgrade. I thought I was upgrading the firmware and the ucm, but it seems like only the ucm upgrade is succeeding. It turns out am not able to flash the firmware on any of my radios, even the ones that are keyloading. I am ordering a bluemax49ers cable to hopefully be able to reflash the firmware. I will update on whether it works or not, thanks for all the help so far.I once had my board drop the firmware and gave me fits. I reflashed the firmware and all was well.
I am more familiar with the xts3000’s so my previous “advice” on the firmware versions does not apply to the xts2500’s.I have gotten the cable, and I'm now able to upgrade firmware. So that's a small win. Reflashing doesn't seem to have fixed the issue. My radios are both R20.50.07 and UCM "SECURE VER" R05.07.15. They both have KG1 AES-256.
They both still show "keyloading" on the LCD when the KFDshield is not plugged into the computer, but my two radios that do keyload don't do that.
They both wont keyload, and give an "Error -- timeout waiting for data" when I try to "Detect MR" or keyload. I've tried "Multiple Keyload" with my usual key container, and "Keyload" (one at a time).
The KFDshield still passes the "Self Test" and works fine with my two other radios.
Then you must by now know the issue is with the Radios, not the tool or cabling. If these XTS2500's are eBay special PRC surplus radios, it could be anything including the pins are worn, or if they have "refurbish housing" from China, those could very well be the culprit.The KFDshield still passes the "Self Test" and works fine with my two other radios.
I swapped the UCM into a known working unit. I could no longer keyload the known working unit (now with the working UCM). I could keyload on the other unit that wansnt keyloading before(now with the non-working UCM). The non-working UCM loaded with a working key, the seller used a kvl4000. Could it be that the board version I have just doesn't like a certain setting either in the radio or KFDshield?Then you must by now know the issue is with the Radios, not the tool or cabling. If these XTS2500's are eBay special PRC surplus radios, it could be anything including the pins are worn, or if they have "refurbish housing" from China, those could very well be the culprit.
At this point, swapping a housing for a known good unit would be in order.
When you say works fine with the other radios. If so Disregard my post. SorryThe KFDshield still passes the "Self Test" and works fine with my two other radios.
The problem with the EFJ 5300 series (and the Viking series) is that which adapter you need depends on which control head you have on the radio. need the adapter for that Hirose mic connector. Lightning, well that's a different Hirose mic connector. guessed it is a different Hirose mic connector. Then once you get into the second generation Viking mobiles you can support the Standard, Lightning, Viking, or KCH series heads.Just a note for what this is worth. I bought both the Arduino Hat for KFD crypto loading and one of the Chinese KFD Clones from EBAY with a short 3 pin audio style jack to a connector for the XTS-5000 (And 3000s I think) and wanted to report that the Chinese clone needs to use the original KFDTool not the Arduino code. My Mini came preloaded with firmware and I decided not to "fix" anything not yet broken.
The XTS cable was as close to what I actually wanted to load keys to which is the EF Johnson series 5100 radios. I think the difference of importance is that on the Mic end you have to run ground to the OPT2 Pin 5 to put the radio into Keyload mode. I found as others have noted that the first time you run KFD Tool you always get some sort of communications error but the simple solution is to select the correct com channel which on my gear is COM9. Then you can do a hardware check (With the radio not connected) and read if there are any internal keys or not. BTW I've tested this with Ver 1, 2, 3, 4 and the 6ES versions of the radio and all worked out of the box with no need to add security modules etc. I've only tried the AES and DES modes not the XL Motorola only modes. The radios need to have crypto modes enabled and make sure that when your enabling P25 DES OFB and P25 AES OFB you don't have Multi-Key Disable checked or you will be limited to a single crypto key. It "seems" so far as I can tell the Versions 1, 2, 3, 4 of the radio load up to 16 Keys. The version 6 6ES seem to let you load more but I'm not sure what the limit is.
By the way if your adding keys to a number of radios the keyloader seems to sometimes get into a funky mode which I've always fixed by just unplugging the USB cable and plugging it back in.
This is the pinout that I used which has worked but is not official (So it might be wrong but it worked for me) On the mic end I ground pins 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12. Data goes to pin 13. Sense? Seems from the schematic I've seen to be wired to ground on the side of the keyloader but? Maybe I don't understand it properly.
I'm very interested in making up a crypto key loading cable for the EF Johnson 5300 series Mobile Radios. If anyone can share the connection list? THANKS!
I do have on lightning head but not too interested in it. As to new Viking series radios that sounds interesting but I've got about as many 5300s as I need and probably couldn't afford a new version.The problem with the EFJ 5300 series (and the Viking series) is that which adapter you need depends on which control head you have on the radio. need the adapter for that Hirose mic connector. Lightning, well that's a different Hirose mic connector. guessed it is a different Hirose mic connector. Then once you get into the second generation Viking mobiles you can support the Standard, Lightning, Viking, or KCH series heads.
To the best of my knowledge, EFJ only ever manufactuered a full cable to interface between a KVL and their radios. There was never a HR10A Hirose adapter like we got with Motorola and the W series and GCAI.I do have on lightning head but not too interested in it. As to new Viking series radios that sounds interesting but I've got about as many 5300s as I need and probably couldn't afford a new version.
What I'm looking to do is build my own cable. Its all original 5300s or maybe later the 53ES I'm interested in. Paying for the Hirose mic connectors with the Hirose connector (And the cable I don't need) this jazz all cost more then I've spent on the two KFD clones and the 3pin to Jedi/5100 mic connector. I'm not sure why so many people seem to be using these parts which I think are priced for people who have the cash for a motorola KVL keyloader. *Which is not me. Unless there are some radio that need some extra electronics in the connector to Hirose connector. For the XTs-5000 / EFJ 5100 is just grounds and data. As far as I can tell it doesn't even use the sense line. But... Maybe that was supposed to be connected to the OP2 pin? As in the radio will see "sense" being ground from the KDF? I've dug half way through a couple of the 5300 / 53ES service manuals and looked at schematics but the signals for putting the radio into keyloading mode aren't obvious to me. *Not that I'm any genius at this.
YES! Sir you have my very whole hearted thanks!!! This is the first clue (hint) that I've found looking at the piles of doc I have for the original 5300. Being sort of obsessed with EFJ (And now Thales/Racals and Harris) I am ashamed to admit that I had never even heard they were making a new Viking 5300.
I owe you one. If you ever need something for the older series or are into the Thales PRC6894 and to a less extent the old Harris (MA/COM) P7100/P5100 I'm your man. Best Regards and thanks again. I will report back when hopefully I get this going.