Over the weekend I experienced a problem with our or Kenwood NXR-710 repeater sites connected to site roaming. The area that was affected called and advised that they could not transmit and they were not receiving any radio traffic. Looked at the system had it showed all sites up and running. I was able to use KPG-129DN and read the repeater from the LAN IP address. When I attempted to write to the repeater it error out saying there was a communication error. I went on site and found the repeater still in transmit mode and if I plugged locally into the repeater I was able to read and write to it. After rebooting the repeater the site came online, but I can read from the repeater and still can not write.
Is the repeater going bad or the KTI-3 box? I thinking the KTI-3 Box.
Is the repeater going bad or the KTI-3 box? I thinking the KTI-3 Box.