Is the KSP system digital?
Yes... you need a scanner that will receive a digital signal. Currently there are six scanners on the market that will do that. They are: Pro-96/Pro 2096, GRE 500/600 or a Uniden 396T/996T... All of them are available from various sources on line and in the Mall, I recommend
Scannermaster because they are friends of Despite what any Rat Shack manager/seller says, these are the only six scanners that are digital scanners in the sense that they will, for example, receive KSP (Uniden's promised 396XT/996XT are NOT on the market as of this writing).
If you purchase a PRO96/2096 or 396T/996T you will need to enter the freqs in "FM" mode, if you have the GRE 500/600 you can enter the
Network Access Code (NAC) for each freq--this will reduce "interference" from other freqs....
The 96 was available when I called this morning on the
Rat Shack web site, I called around to stores in my area and none had them on the shelves... but one store did try to sell me a "digital" scanner (the PRO 164)!
I recommend programming software for which ever scanner you buy--there are good free and commercial programs available for all six radios... and the appropriate cables to connect to a computer....