Let's try this area for the 536 App discussion plus other random thoughts

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2003
Laurel Springs, NJ
Personally I could care less about the Discovery and Analyze modes. Maybe when I retire and can devote more time to playing around with my 536s I'll care. As for the APP I could care about this also. I don't work in, for or have any connections to the police, fire and rescue departments in my county anymore. My brother-in-law and nephew are both volunteers and that's as close as I get. The only time the APP may come in handy is during severe weather during the summer BUT even then I disconnect all of my computer and radio equipment when there is even a hint of thunderstorms. As the old saying goes I learn from my past mistakes.

When I leave my radio/computer cave I leave everything there.

If you don't like the performance of the scanner and as AZScanner said if you feel cheated by not having the promised capabilities then return the scanner or sell it. And when Whistler comes out with their new GRE based scanner buy 1 of them.

And for AZScanner don't call me Francis!


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 12, 2013
Palm City FL



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 12, 2013
Palm City FL

Please stop equating what's important to you and FOR you as what should apply to the entire world.

I think there are several members here who really wanted the app and just because it's not important to you doesn't mean you should beat everyone else over your head with your constant "suck it up and live with it" attitude.

I know this may come as a strong shock to you, but the world doesn't revolve around your needs.


Dec 19, 2002
Somewhere in this room. Right now, you're very col

Please stop equating what's important to you and FOR you as what should apply to the entire world.

This is good advice. You should follow it also.

I know this may come as a strong shock to you, but the world doesn't revolve around your needs.

I never said it did, nor did I say you need to read and hang on my every word. You are free to read or not read my ramblings as you see fit. That's how a web forum works. There's even an ignore feature available. Handy, isn't it? You can even report me to a mod if you like. That's your right as a member of this forum too. Lots of options available to you. Feel free to give one or all of them a try.



Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
Please stop equating what's important to you and FOR you as what should apply to the entire world.
Says the person commonly known for speaking for others on here.

So how you liking your 436 or 536 LIScanner? Oh, wait, that's right...you don't have either.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 12, 2013
Palm City FL
What's your point WayneH? The same old "you don't own one, you are not permitted to talk about it" mantra?


Premium Subscriber
Apr 20, 2013
I think if people are going to play the "you don't own one, you are not permitted to talk about it" card then that needs to be applied to the masses that are injecting their comments that fall into that category and not single out just one person.

Also there's some not complaining that it is not out yet. It is the lack of information and questions not being answered that are critical to the operation in which some of us are using these scanners in that are preventing further planning and implementation. Some of our operations are on hold until we have those answers which is valuable time that is being wasted where we could make other arrangements for our environments in which we are using them. No since in re-inventing the wheel if we don't have to. So it would be nice if we could at least have some kind of information.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 14, 2004
Northern New Jersey
I do not own either scanner as well.

Yet, I LOVE talking about them in these forums.

All I need to know about them has been provided ad nauseum by the plethora of beta testers in these forums.

Thanks folks!


Dec 19, 2002
Somewhere in this room. Right now, you're very col
No one is playing that card. I don't own a 536, and no one (well other than LIScanner) is telling me to shut up about it. ;)

But again, what should Uniden say? "We're working on it"? We already know that. Should they commit to a release date before they know the app is going to be 100% for certain ready to go? What if they miss said date? And so on.

Obviously Uniden is saying only what they need to say, lest others construe that to be some sort of guarantee that could come back to haunt the company in a lawsuit later. When the app is ready, Paul will release it! He has no reason to sit on it otherwise. Meanwhile others are taking their own skills and knowledge and building apps of their own. Perhaps that's something to look at also. No sense in reinventing the wheel as you said, UNLESS not doing so is causing a problem for you or your business - sounds like it is. In that case, I say "reinvent away!" Who knows, you might come up with a better app than Uniden does and that's worth some money to folks in here, I'll bet. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering making one myself.



Premium Subscriber
Apr 20, 2013
No one is playing that card. I don't own a 536, and no one (well other than LIScanner) is telling me to shut up about it. ;)

Guilty about something? I never mentioned anyone specifically and to say "No one is playing that card" would mean you're not reading what people are posting because it was played.

But again, what should Uniden say? "We're working on it"? We already know that. Should they commit to a release date before they know the app is going to be 100% for certain ready to go? What if they miss said date? And so on.

Again, are you not reading what is being posted? Not everyone is concerned with a release date or have a problem waiting. What some have a problem with is the lack of information being provided in general. Some of which is very detrimental to some peoples operation because not everyone use these for "Hobby" listening. Since the record line has been removed there are questions that have been unanswered about the functionality of this app which not even Uniden has answers for. Here we are 6 days away from the expected release and there is nothing but silence. How can you continue to market something to boost sales that is not even going to be ready when it was said? Like was mentioned, not every scanner owner or person who purchases one of these scanners is a member of this forum. So they are under the notion this scanner will have an app in 6 days when they purchased it and was probably a deciding factor for the reason why they purchased it. Sounds like to me this entire scanner was prematurely launched. You know, if you don't want the community to complain, then don't announce it. Simple as that. Again, poor planning.

Obviously Uniden is saying only what they need to say, lest others construe that to be some sort of guarantee that could come back to haunt the company in a lawsuit later. When the app is ready, Paul will release it!

You mean like end of Q1? If they couldn't fulfill that date they should have never even advertised it to begin with when the scanner was first introduced. It is bad customer service to string along your customers who have paid the money for this scanner and were expecting an app.


Sep 30, 2007
West Chester PA
What's your point WayneH? The same old "you don't own one, you are not permitted to talk about it" mantra?

My interpretation of Wayne's comment:

Since you don't currently own, nor have you previously owned, one of these scanners, your comments are worthless and petty.

There can be no outside censorship on this board as it is the private property of one individual who has absolute say as to what can or cannot be said on his board. That's how it should be. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply on radio reference boards, or any other private board. If you want to spout your opinion unhindered, I suggest you set up your own blog / web page. I think the moderators have been quite liberal towards the handful of virulent anti x36 posters.

LIScanner101 - I am curious as to what stake you have in all this; is it some underlying frustration? You endlessly comment on a product you don't own and seem to despise in a way that seems to border on obsession; it's not normal. The pernicious tone of your comments is transparent, and the coy attempts to disguise them with rhetoric directed back at those who call you out is quite obvious to any non-partisan. Perhaps another hobby would be more fulfilling.


Jan 23, 2008
Hammond, IN
No one is playing that card. I don't own a 536, and no one (well other than LIScanner) is telling me to shut up about it. ;)

But again, what should Uniden say? "We're working on it"? We already know that. Should they commit to a release date before they know the app is going to be 100% for certain ready to go? What if they miss said date? And so on.

Obviously Uniden is saying only what they need to say, lest others construe that to be some sort of guarantee that could come back to haunt the company in a lawsuit later. When the app is ready, Paul will release it! He has no reason to sit on it otherwise. Meanwhile others are taking their own skills and knowledge and building apps of their own. Perhaps that's something to look at also. No sense in reinventing the wheel as you said, UNLESS not doing so is causing a problem for you or your business - sounds like it is. In that case, I say "reinvent away!" Who knows, you might come up with a better app than Uniden does and that's worth some money to folks in here, I'll bet. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering making one myself.


Why not commit to a release date whether or not the app is ready? They pretty much did that with the scanner itself, didn't they?


Premium Subscriber
Apr 20, 2013
Sounds like someone needs a visit from the sense of humor fairy.

Apparently you missed where this is posted. This the Uniden Tavern which states "For general chit-chat and non-technical discussion specific to Uniden". Exactly what info did you expect to find? You must have also missed the other pic posted on the first page. So don't single me out for your lack of observance.

Do you go to a burger joint expecting enchiladas too?
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 12, 2013
Palm City FL
No one is playing that card.

Either you're being coy, or disingenuous.

When WayneH said

"So how you liking your 436 or 536 LIScanner? Oh, wait, that's right...you don't have either"

You can surely take it to the bank that he's implying that I shouldn't talk about either scanner because I don't own one.

You can keep saying that that's not what's going on here, but that would fly in the face of reality.
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