Let's try this area for the 536 App discussion plus other random thoughts

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 12, 2013
Palm City FL
But again, what should Uniden say? "We're working on it"? We already know that. Should they commit to a release date before they know the app is going to be 100% for certain ready to go? What if they miss said date? And so on.

Yes, they SHOULD, and that is EXACTLY what ALL companies who are serious about customer service should do. If they can't take the heat, then they should stay out of the kitchen. It comes with the territory.

Obviously Uniden is saying only what they need to say, lest others construe that to be some sort of guarantee that could come back to haunt the company in a lawsuit later.

The app was supposed to be ready by end of Q1. Yeah, I know, they have 6 days left blah blah blah. We all get that :roll: But the lack of discussion is what's irking people. If you don't want people to bug you with questions, then don't let the cat out of the bag in the first place :p But since they marketed the app as something that would come out, it's perfectly natural for people to ask questions. Sorry AZ, the "we'll tell you what you need to know" line doesn't work with the consumer public. But you already knew that (or maybe you really don't?).


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
Either you're being coy, or disingenuous.

When WayneH said

"So how you liking your 436 or 536 LIScanner? Oh, wait, that's right...you don't have either"

You can surely take it to the bank that he's implying that I shouldn't talk about either scanner because I don't own one.

You can keep saying that that's not what's going on here, but that would fly in the face of reality.

I didn't read it that way at all. I read it as you can talk about it but since you don't and have never owned one you don't have anything to say. :)


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
Yes, they SHOULD, and that is EXACTLY what ALL companies who are serious about customer service should do. If they can't take the heat, then they should stay out of the kitchen. It comes with the territory.

The app was supposed to be ready by end of Q1. Yeah, I know, they have 6 days left blah blah blah. We all get that :roll: But the lack of discussion is what's irking people. If you don't want people to bug you with questions, then don't let the cat out of the bag in the first place :p But since they marketed the app as something that would come out, it's perfectly natural for people to ask questions. Sorry AZ, the "we'll tell you what you need to know" line doesn't work with the consumer public. But you already knew that (or maybe you really don't?).

All the whining in the world will not change two things. (Collective you)

1. They can't or won't say anything about it.

2. You're not going to be told anything until they're damn good and ready to tell you.

So your choice is what to do about it and I guess everyone can see what that choice is.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia

Please stop equating what's important to you and FOR you as what should apply to the entire world.

I think there are several members here who really wanted the app and just because it's not important to you doesn't mean you should beat everyone else over your head with your constant "suck it up and live with it" attitude.

I know this may come as a strong shock to you, but the world doesn't revolve around your needs.

You and others still don't get it do you? Its not about questions or even complaints being made its about the non-stop carrying on about something you all should have clearly figured out by now which is Uniden/UPMan can't or will not say anything about this subject until they are good and ready to do so.

You all like to turn it into some crusade for free speech rights, claim of persecution, or attacks for bringing up the subject but refuse to see the clear difference between one and the other. (Bringing something up and carrying on incessantly about it)

Your first and last comment is astonishing, when you should really look into the mirror. You have made it your role in life it seems to attack everything about this scanner and Uniden since the first posts about it. You were commenting in virtually every single thread with multiple posts in each, every day. You don't even own either of the scanners in question and yes that does have a severe impact on what you say since you can't speak about anything with any credibility at all since you don't own one. All you can do is recycle what someone else says and put your incredibly negative spin on it or try and start trouble. Another words what you have to say about it doesn't mean squat. You of course have the right to say it within limits but it doesn't mean anything substantive.

So as I said before you can "Suck it up and live with it" since that's all you can do or you can do that plus sit around whining non-stop and being irritating as he*l.

The point was the latter gets real old real fast.
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Feb 24, 2001
but the lack of discussion is what's irking people. If you don't want people to bug you with questions, then don't let the cat out of the bag in the first place :p But since they marketed the app as something that would come out, it's perfectly natural for people to ask questions. Sorry AZ, the "we'll tell you what you need to know" line doesn't work with the consumer public. But you already knew that (or maybe you really don't?).

1st off. UPman does NOT have to discuss any details on anything he is doing for uniden...
2nd If he is working on something let him work (do not bug him over nonsence)
3rd watch prerelease video... "PLANNED FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS"
4th asking questions is fine. (however people with such attitudes as yours is starting to make me nolonger want to be a subscriber here...

Moderators MUST do something... (I don't believe radioreference was made for arguing)
I have been here since 2009 and never has it been an every other post argument.... goto the rants and raves forum if that's why you are on here


Premium Subscriber
Apr 20, 2013
I am going to remember the ""Suck it up and live with it" line when people are complaining about encryption and thinking they can fight city hall.

Those complaining they are tired of reading this. Then why do you continue to read it and post? What positive are you adding? Apparently you think your comments are more justified than others. Seems like a double standard to me.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
But the lack of discussion is what's irking people.
Make that "irking some people".

I own a BCD536HP and I'm not irked about the lack of a Siren app. The scanner is doing what I bought it to do. Though, I appreciate that some folks bought the scanner for the Siren app. They, specifically those who own one of these scanners and have a need for the Siren app, have a right to be irked.


Premium Subscriber
May 10, 2007
Cerritos, CA (LA County)
Well I own two 536HPs and one 436HP, and I am somewhat "irked" about the WiFi app and analyze features . We are coming up on almost 6 months since the big Uniden announcement about these scanners. Hundreds of us hung around our computers on a Saturday to hear the YouTube broadcast about these new scanners. I don't think any of us thought that by this time (end of March), we would not at least have something to work with (the Siren and Analyze mode), even if they are beta versions. Hey, Gommert from Butel has had beta versions out on the ARC-536 for a couple of months.
If the applications are coming, let us know. If they are not, at least let us know some anticipated date. Am I unhappy with my purchase. Absolutely not, I think these are great scanners, and I'm always up for a new scanner and new technology. The question I have been asking myself, however, is whether there may be some internal issues going on at Uniden between UPMan, who I believe is totally on our side (as a scanner group), and some of other higher ups at Uniden.
I'm beginning to wonder if there is not some cost issue involved. Maybe some Uniden corporate people feel they offered us too much for $599 for the 536HP. I actually think $599 is a very fair price for the kind of technology these scanners offer. But maybe there is some internal conflict about, hey, we should charge another $100 or whatever to unlock these new features. Perhaps I am way off base with this hypothesis, if so, I hope UPMan will let us know, and inform us what is happening. Some have suggested that because of the headphone recall thing, that has held things up, but what the h.... Were the engineers designing these apps busy packing the scanners, I doubt it, if they were, they need to take a refresher course in packing.
Let's face it ladies and gentlemen, if this were a large screen TV, an automobile, or even an HF transceiver, none of us would be making excuses for the manufacturer. Why, because there are many other companies (in the case of HF transceivers, a few others) that we could easily go to. Ah, but such is not the case with scanners. Uniden is really the only game in town. I keep hearing Whistler, but when I see scanners listed at $500-600 that are like my GRE-600/Pro-197, that game, if it does get started, probably won't be around too long. And is anyone (Butel, WIN500, whoever) going to invest time developing software for those units? Perhaps I'm wrong.
All that said, I still think the new Uniden scanners are great, excellent technology, lots of features, and now that I am used to the FL/SQK/DQK thing, the most flexible of all the scanners that I have owned. And I have owned most all of them (except, to my chagrin, the PSR-800). And I do love the on-board recording features. It opens up all kinds of stealth listening possiblities. But I still would like to know what's going on with the Siren app and analyze mode features.
Steve AA6IO


Jan 22, 2003
McLean, VA
Oy vey!

I think we all want and expect a resolution in the near future that may include updated firmware, the Siren App and the Analysis feature.

Assume this is all being worked on behind the scene and hopefully it will all be worth the wait. As with anything in the technical realm you would be a fool to put a date on a specific delivery. Case in point, Affordable Care Act, the talking heads stated the messed up web site would be fixed by a specific date, what fools to state this and what fools to believe what was stated. When something has not be done before, or there is not a real track record, it is very hard to HONESTLY state something will be delivered on X day or date. Also when you get non technical people making technical decisions things spiral out of control very quickly.

Now for all the whiners, complainers, charlatans, I think we have all had about enough of the daily grind. If there is nothing positive to contribute, hold your comments until these features are released and then if and only if you personally have the product with these features and you really have a first hand idea as to what the features either offer, lack or fall short with then feel free to comment. Otherwise let the end users of the product state their points.

For the moment, since nothing has been delivered, comments can be made all day long, but commenting on vaporware is a bit of a time suck. This is very different than wondering when the vaporware will be released and what the vaporware can do on the first release.

I think if April 2nd rolls around and there has been no more word of the Siren App, Analysis Feature or a newer firmware, then Uniden owes the community a response as to where things stand and offer an updated and realistic time frame or release schedule.

I have a 536HP and overall it seems to do a decent job with what it is expected to do. I need to physically relocated it to a different place in the house where I can get more time on the unit, but all in all, so far, not much to complain about.

Additional features, capabilities and the Siren App will just be icing on the cake, I think I can wait patiently, but if nothing shows up in the next week, I would expect at least an status and schedule update by Uniden.


Dec 19, 2002
Somewhere in this room. Right now, you're very col
LIScanner, I think the point that Wayne was trying to make is this: If you don't own the 536HP then why are you in here complaining that the app for the scanner that you do not own is not yet ready? Maybe if you tell us the answer to that question we'll better understand your point of view. Conversely, if you don't want to tell us the answer then I think most of us will know why you're here, and we can take that under consideration when reading your posts on the matter.



Dec 5, 2013

LIScanner, I think the point that Wayne was trying to make is this: If you don't own the 536HP then why are you in here complaining that the app for the scanner that you do not own is not yet ready? Maybe if you tell us the answer to that question we'll better understand your point of view. Conversely, if you don't want to tell us the answer then I think most of us will know why you're here, and we can take that under consideration when reading your posts on the matter.


Tell him about all your NICKLES... that one will work? yes?


Jan 22, 2003
McLean, VA
May I ask what is the purpose of this forum,

Specifically the Uniden Tavern?

"The Uniden Tavern For general chit-chat and non-technical discussion specific to Uniden and does not fall within the above forum topics. This is not the forum to get technical advice from."

If you want to complain, this is the place for you to spend your time Rants - The RadioReference.com Forums

Seems that you post your comments about how Uniden has pulled one over on everyone that purchased the X36HP units in the Rants forum.

I do not think many of use spend much time in the Rants forum, so you will probably be missed here.

Anyway, good luck to you. Maybe a HF receiver would be more toward your liking??


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego, CA
Yes LI, your commenting in every single Uniden thread has gotten real old. What are you trying to accomplish? A large post count? Or do you just enjoy a mailbox full of threads to chit chat in everyday?
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