I can not for the life of me understand why this website does not have a dedicated encryption cracking thread. With all the things you can get over the net ......... These streamer jerks can't stream decrypted transmissions, maybe they can stream the sound of a jail cell door closing on them off a corrections officers radio. However the anonymous monitor should be able to get away with this.
Balibago, IMHO it's probably best not to discuss that particular issue any further. And I'll not leave it at that without a brief explanation. By the powers that be, the very ones who want to make public information private, it has been deemed illegal to attempt to decrypt state-type (police) transmissions.
Now, yes they do want to know what we're up to. Yes they want to be able to monitor all our radio transmissions, emails, cell calls, web surfing habits etc. Yes they want to be able to know all of our business. But they
do not want us hearing or monitoring them. And if you attempt it they have the self-bestowed right to throw you in jail for a long time, take your money, part you from your family, take your equipment and take your freedom away.
I know the reality of it seems harsh, and kind of like a drastic overreach .... perhaps (just perhaps) like something the Nazi Party might have done in the 1930s when they were trying to eliminate all possible opposition to their movement. But what The State (
your public servants) deems necessary, you will abide by without question. That's why you should not attempt to decrypt.