Scanning the Madison County P25 with a Pro-2096
Hi everyone,
I have a Pro-2096 scanner and have used Win96 to apply the following frequencies to my bank.
851.42500 MOT 0.0 D
851.65000 MOT 0.0 D
851.67500 MOT 0.0 D
852.15000 MOT 0.0 D
852.40000 MOT 0.0 D
852.43750 MOT 0.0 D
852.88750 MOT 0.0 D
853.50000 MOT 0.0 D
853.90000 MOT 0.0 D
856.48750 MOT 0.0 D
857.48750 MOT 0.0 D
858.48750 MOT 0.0 D
The bank itself is set to MOT as are each of the channels. The only channels in this bank are the ones listed as control channels for the system. I have imported the talkgroups as well into this bank and no channels nor talkgroups are locked out. The bank is set to OPEN mode. The control channel, (with "machine gun" noise) is showing up as 851.42500 with a steady receive rate percentage of between 96% to 99%.
For some reason, the scanner appears to not be recognizing this as a trunked system. The issues I am having are as follows;
1.) While in Scan mode, the radio will not stop on an active channel. If I set the device to Manual mode and scroll the channels myself, I can hear clear transmissions. For some reason, the scanner will not stop on these channels when there is obviously radio traffic with good reception. The scan function works perfectly on my other banks. My squelch is set just at the threshold.
2.) While manually searching the P25 bank, when I arrive on a channel that is transmitting, there is no talkgroup ID displayed on my screen. This is obviously an issue with this particular trunked system because I previously scanned the old Madison County system and the ID tags were displayed and I currently am scanning the Fayette County trunked system and the ID tags are displayed without a problem.
I have tried everything I can think of given my limited knowledge of scanners. I have also utilized the Pro96Com program to attempt to decode the control channel. Apparently there are no "hits" recorded on the control channel.
It is not an issue that my scanner itself is not tracking the trunked systems, it appears as though it does not see it as a trunked system and will not stop on active frequencies. I have tried different combinations, for example the bank set as MOT and the channels as FM, the bank and channels both as FM, etc.
When I do have the channels set as FM, however, the scan function WILL work, oddly enough, however the talkgroup IDs will not display and the system will not perform as a trunked system and the active channel will transfer over to a different channel, as a trunked channel should.
Hopefully someone will be able to provide a very simple answer in regards to this problem. I have searched the interwebs thoroughly and have found posts with people having similar problems but have yet to find a "magic bullet" for my issue.
Sorry for the long post, but I am baffled as to what to do next.