Maryland FIRST 700mhz TRS


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Did you catch a NAC? :unsure: 4AD would be the logical conclusion...
No Rx from N of of the MD line..
Logic be gone! - 4AF. Also peers with the Harford site which surprised me. C4FM is the modulation of the cch, which is consistent with a standalone site.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Did you catch a NAC? :unsure: 4AD would be the logical conclusion...
No Rx from N of the MD line..
Also, forgot to mention that the nominal receive range for a Phase 2 tower site is roughly 8-12 miles, so if you are in SE PA, you probably won't be able to receive it.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Has anyone logged TGs in the 12215-12220 range? (Should be Fire Tacs.) And the Fire Police in Cecil? (Should be 12239, according to various sources.) I want to confirm before I submit to the db. Also, and anyone confirm the uses for TGs 12204-12206?

And general question: does Cecil use DVRS? FIRST is designed for on-street portable coverage, so in-building *might* require supplemental coverage by DVRS and/or BDAs.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
Has anyone logged TGs in the 12215-12220 range? (Should be Fire Tacs.) And the Fire Police in Cecil? (Should be 12239, according to various sources.) I want to confirm before I submit to the db. Also, and anyone confirm the uses for TGs 12204-12206?

And general question: does Cecil use DVRS? FIRST is designed for on-street portable coverage, so in-building *might* require supplemental coverage by DVRS and/or BDAs.
Logged: Yes, Confirmed usage: No
TG    Hit Count     Date               Name
12200    0            0000/00/00  0:00       "Cecil ? 12200"
12201    4830      2019/07/01 11:43      "Cecil EMS/FD Main 12201"
12202    4641      2019/07/01 11:42      "Cecil EMS Ops 12202"
12203    498        2019/07/01 11:00      "Cecil Fire Ops 12203"
12204    10          2019/06/23 11:29      "Cecil ? 12204"
12205    14          2019/06/26 16:57      "Cecil ? 12205"
12206    1            2019/05/02 15:11      "Cecil ? 12206"
12207    638        2019/07/01 11:11      "Cecil Ops4 12207"
12208    85          2019/07/01 11:00      "Cecil ? 12208"
12209    73          2019/06/29  7:40      "Cecil ? 12209"
12210    112       2019/06/28 13:33      "Cecil ? 12210"
12211    395        2019/06/28  8:15      "Cecil Ops8 12211"
12212    8           2019/06/25 14:21      "Cecil ? 12212"
12213    4            2019/06/11  8:42      "Cecil ? 12213"
12214    13         2019/06/29 13:41      "Cecil ? 12214"
12215    44         2019/06/28 16:50      "Cecil Fire Tac/Talkaround? 12215"
12216    8           2019/06/12 11:10      "Cecil Fire Tac/Talkaround? 12216"
12217    9           2019/06/25 14:22      "Cecil Fire Tac/Talkaround? 12217"
12218    16         2019/06/26 13:16      "Cecil Fire Tac/Talkaround? 12218"
12219    7           2019/06/26 13:16      "Cecil Fire Tac/Talkaround? 12219"
12220    31         2019/06/26 21:01      "Cecil Fire Tac/Talkaround? 12220"
12221    4           2019/06/25 14:20      "Cecil ? 12221"
12222    3          2019/06/25 14:21      "Cecil ? 12222"
12223    9          2019/06/13 21:18      "Cecil ? 12223"
12224    2          2019/06/04 15:36      "Cecil ? 12224"
12225    3          2019/06/04 15:38      "Cecil ? 12225"
12226    2          2019/06/04 15:38      "Cecil ? 12226"
12227    14         2019/06/29  0:52      "Cecil ? 12227"
12228    2          2019/05/02 15:11      "Cecil ? 12228"
12229    1          2019/05/02 15:11      "Cecil ? 12229"
12230    11         2019/06/11  9:43      "Cecil ? 12230"
12231    1          2019/05/02 15:11      "Cecil ? 12231"
12232    0           0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12232"
12233    5          2019/06/29 15:27      "Cecil ? 12233"
12234    0           0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12234"
12235    1          2019/05/02 15:11      "Cecil ? 12235"
12236    2          2019/06/11 16:16      "Cecil ? 12236"
12237    3          2019/06/11 16:16      "Cecil ? 12237"
12238    301      2019/06/30 21:39      "Cecil Fire/EMS Private? 12238"
12239    11        2019/06/14 15:07      "Cecil Fire Police? 12239"
12241    465       2019/07/01  3:18      "Cecil ? 12241 Enc"
12242    265      2019/06/28 15:11      "Cecil ? 12242 Enc"
12243    43        2019/06/28 13:48      "Cecil ? 12243 Enc"
12244    70        2019/06/28 15:45      "Cecil ? 12244 Enc"
12246    503      2019/06/28 14:33      "Cecil ? 12246"
12247    6          2019/06/28 10:31      "Cecil ? 12247"
12248    5          2019/06/28  8:25      "Cecil ? 12248"
12249    3          2019/06/28  7:28      "Cecil ? 12249"
12250    1         2019/06/28 13:38      "Cecil ? 12250"
12251    9         2019/06/25 12:47      "Cecil ? 12251 Enc"
12252    5         2019/06/28 17:08      "Cecil ? 12252 Enc"
12253    2         2019/06/11 16:26      "Cecil ? 12253 Enc"
12254    8         2019/06/11 16:26      "Cecil ? 12254 Enc"
12255    7          2019/06/25  9:34      "Cecil ? 12255"
12256    3         2019/06/11 16:39      "Cecil ? 12256"
12258    3          2019/06/28  7:38      "Cecil ? 12258"
12259    19       2019/06/28 15:32      "Cecil ? 12259"
12260    1         2019/06/06 12:09      "Cecil ? 12260"
12261    2         2019/06/28 10:25      "Cecil ? 12261"
12262    1         2019/06/06 12:09      "Cecil ? 12262"
12263    1         2019/06/06 12:09      "Cecil ? 12263"
12265    0          0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12265"
12266    42       2019/06/05 13:23      "Cecil Landfill? 12266"
12267    1         2019/06/05 13:16      "Cecil Landfill? 12267"
12268    0          0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12268"
12270    261     2019/06/28 13:54      "Cecil 911 Ops Com/Disp? 12270"
12271    3         2019/06/11 16:27      "Cecil ? 12271"
12272    2         2019/06/11 16:46      "Cecil ? 12272"
12273    2         2019/06/11 16:47      "Cecil ? 12273"
12274    3         2019/06/11 16:48      "Cecil ? 12274"
12275    2         2019/06/11 16:48      "Cecil ? 12275"
12276    6         2019/06/28  8:32      "Cecil ? 12276"
12277    4        2019/06/26 10:31      "Cecil ? 12277"
12278    31      2019/06/26 10:52      "Cecil Transit? 12278"
12279    6         2019/06/11  8:37      "Cecil Transit? 12279"
12280    7        2019/06/19 12:09      "Cecil Transit? 12280"
12281    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil Transit? 12281"
12282    1       2019/06/05 12:41      "Cecil Transit? 12282"
12284    50      2019/06/28  8:11      "Cecil ? 12284"
12286    17      2019/06/25  9:58      "Cecil ? 12286"
12287    2        2019/06/25  9:25      "Cecil ? 12287"
12289    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12289"
12290    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12290"
12291    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12291"
12292    20      2019/06/21  9:08      "Cecil Schools? 12292"
12293    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil Schools? 12293"
12294    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil Schools? 12294"
12295    1       2019/06/06 12:06      "Cecil Schools? 12295"
12296    2       2019/06/06 12:06      "Cecil Schools? 12296"
12297    1       2019/06/06 12:06      "Cecil Schools? 12297"
12298    2       2019/06/06 12:07      "Cecil Schools? 12298"
12300    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12300"
12301    82      2019/07/01  8:48      "Cecil Roads 12301"
12302    6       2019/06/18 10:55      "Cecil Roads? 12302"
12303    4       2019/06/05 13:45      "Cecil Roads? 12303"
12304    3       2019/06/18 10:56      "Cecil Roads? 12304"
12305    4        2019/05/03  8:56      "Cecil Roads? 12305"
12306    3        2019/05/03  8:56      "Cecil Roads? 12306"
12307    12      2019/05/03  8:58      "Cecil Roads? 12307"
12308    17      2019/06/18 10:56      "Cecil Roads? 12308"
12309    64      2019/07/01 10:21      "Cecil Roads Admin? 12309"
12310    2        2019/05/02 15:03      "Cecil Roads? 12310"
12311    26      2019/07/01 11:35      "Cecil Roads? 12311"
12312    20      2019/06/27 16:11      "Cecil ? 12312"
12313    27       2019/06/29 18:32      "Cecil ? 12313"
12314    3        2019/06/05 20:04      "Cecil ? 12314"
12315    3        2019/06/04 15:37      "Cecil ? 12315"
12316    3        2019/06/11 16:44      "Cecil ? 12316"
12317    3        2019/06/11 16:45      "Cecil ? 12317"
12318    2        2019/06/11 16:45      "Cecil ? 12318"
12319    3        2019/06/11 16:45      "Cecil ? 12319"
12320    2        2019/06/11 16:45      "Cecil ? 12320"
12326    2        2019/06/11 16:42      "Cecil ? 12326"
12327    3        2019/06/11 16:42      "Cecil ? 12327"
12328    2        2019/06/11 16:47      "Cecil ? 12328"
12329    4        2019/06/11 16:42      "Cecil ? 12329"
12330    5        2019/06/11 16:42      "Cecil ? 12330"
12331    12      2019/06/11 16:43      "Cecil ? 12331"
12332    4        2019/06/11 16:43      "Cecil ? 12332"
12333    5        2019/06/11 16:46      "Cecil ? 12333"
12334    32      2019/06/06 12:04      "Cecil Health Department? 12334"
12335    1        2019/06/06 12:03      "Cecil Health? 12335"
12336    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil Health? 12336"
12337    0        0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil Health? 12337"
12339    1        2019/06/06 12:03      "Cecil Health? 12339"
12341    1        2019/06/06 12:03      "Cecil Health? 12341"
12342    1        2019/06/06 12:03      "Cecil Health? 12342"
12343    1         2019/06/06 12:03      "Cecil Health? 12343"
12346    0         0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12346"
12347    1         2019/06/21 22:47      "Cecil ? 12347"
12349    0         0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12349"
12350    0         0000/00/00  0:00      "Cecil ? 12350"
12352    5         2019/06/21 11:55      "Cecil ? 12352"
12360    2389   2019/07/01 11:38      "Cecil EMS/FD Disp 12360"
12361    1         2019/05/06 17:29      "Cecil ? 12361"
12385    1         2019/06/07 18:03      "Cecil ? 12385"
12398    37133 2019/07/01 11:34      "Cecil Towns PD 12398 Enc"
12399    76860 2019/07/01 11:43      "Cecil Sheriff 12399 Enc"
12400    57387 2019/07/01 11:40      "Cecil Elkton PD 12400 Enc"


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
TG 12238 is confirmed Fire Police. Not sure if they have more than one TG or not.
I have Fire Police as 12239, and their Tac as 12216 - might want to monitor those as well to confirm their use.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
I have Fire Police as 12239, and their Tac as 12216 - might want to monitor those as well to confirm their use.
I'm using DSD+ & monitoring everything Cecil from TG 12200-12400 on my SDS100 (ID search is on, & am locked on the Cecil Site), I've avoided the confirmed TG's (and all other FiRST departments) in order to record & figure out those that are not known yet. If 12239 is another Fire PD ch. I've not heard it used as such, yet. I've been performing these same steps (Pretty much non-stop) since about March (Just before the Cecil Site was changed)...
The bold TG's listed on that link are locked out..

The whole process possibly could go faster if anyone sitting with a list of TG's or a Cecil Radio's Ch lineup info would post the info publicly.. :unsure: (As in, here in this thread) (Or pass the info to a DB admin anonymously)

TG 12292 is busy today.. Still not sure what it is yet...

I really, really enjoy the hobby, and figuring things out. :geek: Pushes and Shoves in the right direction are welcomed.... :)
Don't care who gets the credit for finding them... :rolleyes:
Just wanna go out and play, really.... :cool:


Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
12312 Event 1
12313 Event 2 (Sounds dedicated to parking/traffic tonight)
submission amended (y)


Mar 3, 2007
Talbot Co, MD
I'm using DSD+ & monitoring everything Cecil from TG 12200-12400 on my SDS100 (ID search is on, & am locked on the Cecil Site), I've avoided the confirmed TG's (and all other FiRST departments) in order to record & figure out those that are not known yet. If 12239 is another Fire PD ch. I've not heard it used as such, yet. I've been performing these same steps (Pretty much non-stop) since about March (Just before the Cecil Site was changed)...
The bold TG's listed on that link are locked out..

The whole process possibly could go faster if anyone sitting with a list of TG's or a Cecil Radio's Ch lineup info would post the info publicly.. :unsure: (As in, here in this thread) (Or pass the info to a DB admin anonymously)

TG 12292 is busy today.. Still not sure what it is yet...

I really, really enjoy the hobby, and figuring things out. :geek: Pushes and Shoves in the right direction are welcomed.... :)
Don't care who gets the credit for finding them... :rolleyes:
Just wanna go out and play, really.... :cool:
Anyone directly associated with FiRST admin in any form is likely under an NDA so they won't be able to post. Best case someone with a fire radio can post how many channels they have programmed, but they won't know the mapping of tgid to display name.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
I updated the RRDB this afternoon with TGs for DNR-NRP Area 3 (PG and AA Cos.) There is another set of TGs that also carry Area 3 / 3xx units: 7546, 7547, and 7548. The interesting thing is some RIDs will switch between both dispatch TGs associated with Area 3 (7501 and 7546.) Another interesting correlation is that it *seems* that the DNR Crownsville VHF site simulcasts via TG7501, while the Matapeake site simulcasts 7546, but I haven't positively confirmed this behavior yet, and I'm not sure what's happening with Solley (which I can barely receive.) I'm wondering if this is some kind of transitional setup until FIRST is completed in Zone 5, and one set of TGs will become Area 4....


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Looks like this morning (and could have been happening previously,) channel grants are happening on both TG 7546 and 7501 simultaneously. UT2 does not indicate a patch for these, although other DNR TGs are patched together currently.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2011
7501 & 7546 are definitely patched together. No idea the reason. Listening to Solley Site and both 7501 & 7546 are showing up on Unitrunker while users on Solley are talking.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
7501 & 7546 are definitely patched together. No idea the reason. Listening to Solley Site and both 7501 & 7546 are showing up on Unitrunker while users on Solley are talking.

I show Area 5 patched to Area 6 (7506 -> 7511) with 7506 subordinate to 7511 in the Patches console of UT2, but no patch between 7501 and 7546. It's like they are simulcasting on both TGs - I'll be looking to see if they TGs are using separate talkpaths.


And they are: the TGs are using different slots simultaneously.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2005
Elkton, Md
Should I be hearing anything, downloaded into both 436 and 536 from radio reference full maryland First database, and hear nothing on both radios in Elkton.




Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2010
Should I be hearing anything, downloaded into both 436 and 536 from radio reference full maryland First database, and hear nothing on both radios in Elkton.


Short answer is yes..

Are you just scanning FiRST or a bunch of stuff? (Try holding on the system)
Have you set the system up to just look at 1 site? (Try Site Hold on Cecil Site)
In other words.. If the scanner(s) is/are looking for control ch.'s from all the FiRST sites, It will take a long time to rotate through the list, and all the while you'd be missing stuff only on the Cecil Site (And also Cecilton, Conowingo ASR's and Harford, Kent Sites to a lesser degree..)
I'd ensure all sites are avoided except 3.14 Cecil from your location in Elkton.. (At least to experiment)
You'd likely improve chances more as well if you hold on the Cecil Department, There are a lot of other users on FiRST and the radio can hang up on MSP, SHA, NRP, MTA ect.. TG's instead of the Cecil traffic your wanting to hear..
From your location in Elkton you should be hearing traffic...

I'd try those things. Hope you get those radios talking..