From a listener's standpoint, yesterday's radio communications was textbook. We often talk about on here the lack of interoperability and radio communications issues but yesterday proved different.
I started listening in shortly after the call went out and checked the archives for the minutes that I missed. Police and Fire remained calm on the radio and only provided important information without tying up the radio. I was also running Unitrunker and dozens of radios were logging in from various jurisdictions and the system handled it well.
Most of the initial traffic was on 11D Southern. Annapolis, Sheriffs, and MSP appeared to also use the talkgroup for operations. There were supporting agencies (NRP, Capitol Police, Howard PD, etc.) and I am not sure if they were also active on their talkgroup or not.
Sheriff and Annapolis talkgroups were also pretty active.
Initially fire put it in Juliet. As the incident expanded Charley (LZ ops), India, Lima, & Mike were all utilized. MCCU and the Alarmers used Disaster 3. Med 8 was also designated for the incident.
All agencies really did a great job on such a horrific incident.
I was impressed by the volume of traffic handled by the county's radio system (monitored via Unitrunker 2.) I have one instance monitoring AACo, and one on First / AACo site (I will review it to look for new TGs.) My voice radios are not set up to monitor any county police TGs - only fire and city police on the AA system, so I didn't really hear that much (plus it was way after the fact when I was back in the area.) The ICS system proved that it works well for expanding incidents when it is practiced routinely.