More EAM's
311.000 EAM, 10:09am. Exercise Force roll call, 10:24am. Another EAM, 10:26am. I can barely hear her.
I drove by Selfridge yesterday. There are 4 tankers on the northwest side, old Navy side of the base. There are 3 tankers on the southeast ramp, where they should be. Some kind of construction going on the southeast side of the base.
Chuck in Detroit / NODAK 1
More EAM's
311.000 EAM, 10:09am. Exercise Force roll call, 10:24am. Another EAM, 10:26am. I can barely hear her.
I drove by Selfridge yesterday. There are 4 tankers on the northwest side, old Navy side of the base. There are 3 tankers on the southeast ramp, where they should be. Some kind of construction going on the southeast side of the base.
Chuck in Detroit / NODAK 1