Cool. Yeah post it if you have it. I read a post on Airwarriors once about F-35s in the break more worried about not crashing than looking cool. Hopefully they're beyond that now.
BLUE47 was overhead CYQI about 5 minutes ago. BLUE46 overhead Halifax in about 3 minutes estimated. 1041ZI just got simultaneous emails (in fact they were grouped into one they were so close) on two KC-135Rs. Guess they're getting closer.
Its a RETRO98 flight. Very sneaky...passed overhead and I thought the tanker was alone so never attempted to get a visual. Wondered why it was so loud. Unknown what type. Perhaps these are the replacement F15Es returning to the UK?Any idea who's receiving? I think I heard 98.
Got them loud and clear on CORONET Juliet Primary 236.750 @ 0320ZBlue 34 KC-135R 62-3526 Up in the area at 02:16z
I think these guys may be heading this way -
Blue 24,25
Retro 71-74 flt
254.600 Coronet India prim
I have GOLD53 (indicating as 62-3547, KC-135R) at FL360 in my airspace now (CYQI). Unsure of direction of travel at this time (1318Z)Don't know it they're coming or going.
Heard GOLD53 on Coronet 396.2. They mentioned two 4-ships. They may have gone out of range now. Looks like I'm losing them on mode-s.