Am down in the area for a brief getaway, and spent some time today trying to get a feel for how they do things at Oceana. Here's what I found in terms of Approach, Departure and Arrival, thus far. Used a couple TRX-1's with clocks synced.
Not a peep on 288.3, which is supposed to be Button-4 Departure. 266.8 (Button 5) functioning both as departure and approach. Most departure handoffs were to Giantkiller on 361.3 (Button 6) for W-72. A few to Cherry Point Approach on 268.7 (Button 12). 266.8 was also simulcasting instructions to civilian a/c around Currituck, NC. Frequently directing planes to Norfolk Approach on 126.05.
On arrival, 323.05 (Button 7) was used at altitudes from around 4000 down to 1600, and sometimes the landing would be completed on this freq. It looks like most or all planes on this freq were handed off from 266.8. Today was very overcast with a low ceiling, and I heard remarks that the 'overhead was closed.' Planes handed offf to 323.05 did the RNAV approach to Runway 5R. One flight of two split to a 'PAR' (I'm not familiar with the term, but it sounded like they wanted to break formation and land on parallel runways) At the point of 'PAR' the two aircraft were addressed separately for the rest of the approach. Until the weather cleared that evening, all planes were on a straight-in approach, and full-stop. After the weather cleared, they were allowed to make their break and go around.
Lots of GCA today, but no button numbers used. Frequencies always read out. In a few cases, the ground simulcast 323.05 and a GCA frequency--the only one I specifically remember was 346.4. In at least some cases, the plane switched to tower freq once they had the runway in sight. All six GCA freqs in the quote above were used at some time or another today. The main difference I'm seeing between 'Arrival' and 'GCA/SFA' is that 'Arrival' doesn't confine itself to a single aircraft.
Didn't really get much done in terms of confirming air/air freqs, but now I feel much better about how to approach the whole package. 266.8 proved to be the real key frequency for both departures and arrivals. I had to keep radios parked on both 266.8 and 323.05 in order to find that out. Today was almost entirely ROMAN's and RIPPER's with one or two INFERNO's thrown in. Maybe I'll learn a new thing or two tomorrow.
73/Allen (N4JRI)