Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2023

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 25, 2018
New York
The other day when they scrambled two F-22's from Nevada up to that balloon area they were
accompanied by KC-10 tanker ABATE-22.
Coincidently ABATE-98 KC-135 out of Miss headed towards the Coast at FL250..I know 2+2 may equal 5 but curious anyway.

Off topic MASH-81 tanker running 122nd FW A-10's back from MacDill to Indiana tracking a bit over Lexington Ky.



Premium Subscriber
Apr 12, 2004
Wallingford PA Villas NJ
"Cleared to launch by EADS". MA ANG F-15s EAGLE 01-02 departing KBAF.

LiveATC Audio

That is the transponder code I listed earlier so flight of two F15s will be getting balloon target practice (I guess)

11:45 EST Fighter(s) headed southwest along NJ coast
28K Squawk 6113
Similar hex code 000004

F15 was last reported climbing out of 39700 feet
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2021
Philadelphia, PA
Flight-tracking sites show military aircraft along trajectory of Chinese spy balloon
From CNN's Oren Liebermann

Flight-tracking websites that show military aircraft activity show several noteworthy flight profiles off the coast of the Carolinas on Saturday, in line with the expected trajectory of the suspected Chinese spy balloon.
The Pentagon has not confirmed that any of the US military aircraft in the area are related to the balloon.
As of 1 p.m. ET, two Air Force KC-135R refueling tankers were flying off the coast of South Carolina above 20,000 feet, according to ADS-B Exchange and Flight Radar 24. The tankers appear to be in separate holding patterns.
A Coast Guard C-130 Hercules is flying at low level off the coast of North Carolina on Saturday afternoon. Sites such as ADS-B Exchange and Flight Radar 24 show the C-130, which took off from the Coast Guard base at Elizabeth City around 9:15 a.m. ET, flying at approximately 4,000 feet near Wilmington, close to where the balloon is anticipated to cross the east coast and fly over the water.
For context: Fighter jets that may be used to target the balloon would not necessarily appear on flight-tracking websites, so the tankers may be the only publicly visible indication that fighters are in the area.
Fighter jets would have to fly in from bases in the region and may need refueling, especially with the uncertain speed and path of the balloon.
There is other military aircraft activity in the area, but the planes listed above are the most notable given the projected trajectory of the balloon.
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