The big drawbacks to OpenSKY- It is not an interoperable system The radios on it may have P-25 capability, but as an whole OpenSKY is NOT P-25 compatable, is proprietary format that makes it an island, unless everyone else is on it. OpenSKY seems to be having a lot more technical problems than most other formats in use, though these do seem to be getting fixed, albiet slowly. OpenSKY is really not the best solution for public safety usage. It just has the advantage of being unmonitorable without having to use encryption...... Take that as you may. But other than the factual issues aforementioned it is an workable system. Just not for public safety. But it will continue to be implemented in many areas unless it does happen to have sudden massive failures accross the board. the biggest hurdle that would have caused this was overcome with the PA system. Massive usage at a sudden point causing catastrophic overload and systemic failure.. That didnt happen. So the powers that be that are buying into OpenSky will keep doing so.