OK, here's the deal with MONOC One: The helicopter moved to Miller on July 6; the TTN location was only intended to be temporary, until a more suitable location was identified. Allaire was originally picked, but the owner of the airport dragged his feet with the lease, and after a month of waiting for him, Miller offered space. Miller also happens to be a Eurocopter service center, which works out nicely. As Chris said, the owner of Allaire Airport was also afraid of noise complaints and had set up strict noise abatement procedures to avoid certain houses in the area...
Communications with medical control can be made in several ways. On the ground, cell phones are used to call the hospital console. Even though they will work in the air, it isn't legal to use cellular phones while in flight. Not because of interference, but because cell phones at altitude apparently tie up multiple cell sites. The helicopter has a sat phone which can be used in the air (in fact, it's tied into the ships comm system & works through the helmet electronics), however so far, the sat reception has been awful, and the Sat phone is rarely used. The third option is to call Control on a radio freq and be patched to the console via phone lines.
I hope that clears up some questions. Feel free to send me any others you may have.