@k2hz Some thoughts from what I've heard:
1165: It could be OEM to OEF, but the techs were very careful to state it was a drill. It makes me think it's a channel reserved for some sort of grave emergency, of course, that doesn't prove anything one way or the other.
1189: Can likely be confirmed, several RIDs were logged (1011376, 1011020, and 1011413), they were heard testing on 1181 and 1184 during the storm, seemed to be making sure communications were intact.
I'm a little skeptical of all OEM channels, not just 1165, unless they've come into service very recently, I've heard a department I suspect to be OEM operating on Fire Bureau channels ("701" through "770" call signs heard, as well as "Car 71"). Other times they've used 1167 and 1168, which, like 1165, I highly suspect to be emergency channels (and I originally submitted them as such).
One incident of note was for a drill at vaccination sites, prior to "EOC Base" and "Field Team Leader" making it very clear that they were merely conducting a drill, everyone on the Emergency Management channels was acting like the world was ending.
It wouldn't surprise me if the channels were intended to be more general and have taken on an unofficial usage of worst case scenario, major emergency channels.
I'll look through some recordings, see if I've got anything of substance on the other ones you've mentioned.
If anyone can confirm the 2751147 RID that one may be suitable for submission.