I heard "451, 451, need 2 hooks for the crash. 420 Merchants Road....." Then "451 acknowledged by phone, ECD clear 1140"
Sounds like ECD calling various towing companies. I imagine 451 would be the company dispatch, seeing as the dispatcher requests two hooks.
I'm wondering if this is some sort of replacement for 159.390 (marked as Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation Statewide Common). I'm not sure who operates on the frequency, but it's always dispatching tow trucks. I
think it's ECD, but it could be a towing company's dispatcher, their dispatch format is very different, never mentioning ECD or call signs.
It would also be strange for a towing company's dispatcher to be referred to with a 4## call sign, as it's usually reserved for high command, MCU, and some other unknown divisions. It would be strange, especially given the fact other departments are usually called with two letters, or four digits (for example, HM-# in the case of Humane Society and 382# in the case of FACIT).
Although, it's always possible this is an exception, I've never picked up a call sign higher than Car 448, which is seemingly RPD. The new year has certainly brought some call sign changes, but I've only seen changes to MCSO.
I looked on OpenMHZ, I couldn't find any other transmissions besides the one you heard, but it's certainly something to keep an eye on.