Coming in Lima Charlie for me. Right now, the active Control Channel is 769.90625.
Can you hear the CC when tuned to that frequency?
Well, I programmed the CC in my G5 as a simplex, analog, no pl frequency. I open the squelch and I can hear nothing, even though I get 3 bars on the display. So, a little further investigating. I took the G5 out of the Amplified speaker and connected the yagi directly to the G5, and whala.. now it connects to the system with the same 3 bars. Apparently, the amplified charger is inducing noise into the radio on that frequency. I hooked my TinySA spectrum analyzer up to the amp using the signal generator mode. It takes about -90db of signal strength before the radio opens up on that frequency connected to the amp. When I connect the signal generator direct to the G5, the tone opens the squelch at -128db. Normally, the Amplified charger gives me 1 to 2 bars better on any other 700-800 frequency (except UHF, and that's a whole new thread lol). Something I have to keep my eyes on in the future.