Interesting thread, Good pics all. Here is a couple of shots showing the new Bubble at a scene. YouTube - I-94 & Harper Injury Accident
Okay, since we're all expressing opinions here;
That one's butt-ugly.
1975 AMC Pacer with Cobra 302 of Officer Scott Rose and the Freetown MA Police Department.
So ugly it's actually kinda cute?
(I knew a girl like that once....).
Sober, BigBlue covered it. But I thought you might like to read a bit more about the topic.
The hood signs orginally were used for side stops. Back before patrol cars had rotating overheads, or even overhead lights at all, they were used to preform side stops. Troopers would chase down a suspect vehicle and pull along side of it. They would then activate the "Stop State Police" sign for the suspect driver to see. Then, if all went well, both vehicles would pull over onto the shoulder of the roadway.
The photos below are of a restored 1937 Ford MSP patrol car. The sign on the right fender illuminates. Prior to that the signs were clear and officers would light them up with the spot light for the suspect driver to see. Our current hood sign has been around for decades, but evolved of these earlier models.
We were still taught side stops in the academy, mainly the history of them, but we still go over them. Granted the hood signs are a tradition, but those of us working afternoons and nights still use them. I use mine just about every shift (when working nights). I mostly use it when I'm pulling into a complainant's driveway during hours of darkness. It's a nice low key way to let a complainant know who those headlights out in their driveway belong to.
From the color (1954), to the current hood sign (approx. 1949), to the single overhead light (approx. 1940), Michigan State Police patrol cars carry on a tradition. I know I'm biased, but I think they are some of the best looking patrol cars on the road.
1951 Chevy
1958 Chevy
1974 Plymouth
1992 Chevy; My first solo patrol car
2009 Dodge
BTW, this is one of the more entertaining, if pointless, threads on RR in a while.
Well I really thought someone would comment on the yellow police car, I guess this thread has run it's course, thanks to all who participated, it was interesting.