Need help finding Allegan DPW & Water Dept.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 8, 2021
Plainwell, Michigan
I'm struggling to find Allegan's DPW & Water Dept. channels. I can't tell if they're on the MPSCS system or a conventional channel. The DPW & Water Dept. trucks' antenna looks to be either a Quarter wave 800mhz, or a 5/8th wave UHF. I've looked on the fcc license database and still couldn't find them which makes me assume they used the MPSCS system, but their talkgroups are so hard to find. I don't know if they share a tg or they have separate ones. I've done ID search multiple times and I only seem to pickup out-of-county talkgroups. I also don't know how often they use them. I've thought about going up to one of these vehicles and asking the workers directly.