I am attempting to program my own HT1000 for use on the local VHF Public Safety Repeater, however, we don't have a usual radio technician to guide me through this process. I notice the HT1000 doesn't allow for an offset...only TX/RX channel...what offset is 150-160 MHz?
I have obtained all my PL/DPL code, and those work fine. I can hear Dispatch just fine with the PL code set, but I am not picking up the repeater. If someone could provide useful but (dummy) instructions for me it would be greatly appreciated. I asked my Dispatch what the frequencies are for TX/RX and even they don't have a clue. We simply have our service maintained yearly, and hire outside for any other technical support.
We also utilize MDC 1200 at the beginning of each transmission if that makes a difference.
A Stressed Public Servant
I have obtained all my PL/DPL code, and those work fine. I can hear Dispatch just fine with the PL code set, but I am not picking up the repeater. If someone could provide useful but (dummy) instructions for me it would be greatly appreciated. I asked my Dispatch what the frequencies are for TX/RX and even they don't have a clue. We simply have our service maintained yearly, and hire outside for any other technical support.
We also utilize MDC 1200 at the beginning of each transmission if that makes a difference.
A Stressed Public Servant