Good afternoon. I have been looking for programming software that will work on Windows 10, for my older Radio Shack PR0-92, original, not A or B model, software ver 1.00. I ordered a Radio Shack GRE Whistler FTDI USB scanner programming cable, 20-546, which came with the additional, adapter, which I was told I would not need to use. I will also need to find a database that has a complete listing of frequencies. I have read about Pro-95, tk92, and Arc software, but wonder if there might be something else available that will work. I appreciate any help that anyone can advise me about this. Hopefully it won't be too much more complicated that turning the dials on my old, long gone Yaesu FT-101B. ☺
As side note, if allowed, my email is Pacific/SF, West Bay area
As side note, if allowed, my email is Pacific/SF, West Bay area